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Index du forum > Présentations > Howdy!

Red-Cube - posté le 04/08/2018 à 23:34:21 (11 messages postés)

❤ 0

Hey there!

I'm around the RM community for years now and even though I'm a little more familiar to the German and English parts of the scene I would like to introduce myself none the less.

Since I translated some of my stuff into english I'm all to happy to present it to the rest of the world. So I hope you find some amusement in it.

My favorite engines are the RM2k3 and Game Maker (even though it gives me headaches frequently) :banane

Cheers everyone!

CuddleFox - posté le 04/08/2018 à 23:58:48 (1893 messages postés) - modero

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The unholy cat

I'm flowey.

Un jeu avec une chatte.

yop - posté le 05/08/2018 à 09:20:17 (296 messages postés)

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Gutentag, wilkommen :D

"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Nemau - posté le 05/08/2018 à 10:23:35 (52527 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Hi, welcome aboard !

And long live RM2K3, still the best RM. :lei

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Mister Ocelot - posté le 05/08/2018 à 10:41:01 (136 messages postés)

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Doit arrêter de glander. Glande au lieu d'arrêter


Projet en cours, veuillez patientez 525 mois avant maturation. Taper Echap pour quitter

Red-Cube - posté le 05/08/2018 à 11:02:28 (11 messages postés)

❤ 0


Hi, welcome aboard !

And long live RM2K3, still the best RM. :lei

True words man! :sfrog

Monos - posté le 05/08/2018 à 11:04:01 (57322 messages postés)

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Vive le homebrew

Bienvenue Hellbounder !

Signer du nez ?

Red-Cube - posté le 05/08/2018 à 11:13:57 (11 messages postés)

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Haha, Hellbound was great. A shame the quality of the series dropped faster than the Cenobites victims.

Whenever I try to post a new topic into the games section, it tells me I can't post two topics in a row. Is there a certain period of time I have to wait?

GrayXD - posté le 05/08/2018 à 11:26:15 (79 messages postés)

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Hello man, Welcome :)

Verehn - posté le 05/08/2018 à 11:33:56 (9058 messages postés) - honor

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Welcome. :sourit

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

Saka - posté le 05/08/2018 à 17:49:34 (17970 messages postés) - modero -

❤ 0

Réalisateur de chez Lidl

Welcome in our asylum :F

Réalisateur ça veut dire que je fais des films. Viens les voir si tu l'oses. | ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ | Saka ressuscite les angles morts. | Gloria Papoum 1, 2, 3 | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | L'avenir se demande ce que Saka lui réserve. | Père Clochard | Saka a dépucelé la forêt vierge. | Viens découvrir les coutumes Oniromanciennes. | (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง | Coucou, tu veux voir mon site ? | ꀎ 囧

Nemau - posté le 05/08/2018 à 18:44:01 (52527 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

You have to wait another one posts a new topic. Sorry for that, it's an anti-flood system.

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Red-Cube - posté le 05/08/2018 à 20:26:37 (11 messages postés)

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I see. So I used my "free-topic-card" on this introduction thread instead of a game presentation, lol.

Well I know spammers can be a pain but if you ask me, I would change the system to one thread all 48h or something.

NanakyTim - posté le 06/08/2018 à 09:27:50 (23817 messages postés)

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Leader Bocaliste Floodeur Légendaire

Guten nacht guten nicht. Wie bin franzosisch, das ist gut, wir müssen die making mach es wieder großartig ! :bocal

Auch, bienvenue :sfrog

Héros ou Fléau ? Devenez le Roi de Quineroy ! ~ Plongez dans l'univers sombre du Darkans ! ~ Dimens Reis... Allez y faire un tour. ~ Rangez votre chambre ! ~ Avez-vous peur du noir ? ~ Sauvez le futur, en allant dans le passé: BOCALATOR...

yop - posté le 06/08/2018 à 09:37:26 (296 messages postés)

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Ich spresche Deutsch ein bischen aber es ist nicht Wunderbar :F

"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Nemau - posté le 06/08/2018 à 17:31:46 (52527 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Red-Cube > yeah, maybe our system is not the best. We will think about it and maybe we will change it.

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Red-Cube - posté le 07/08/2018 à 18:33:41 (11 messages postés)

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NanakyTim a dit:

Guten nacht guten nicht. Wie bin franzosisch, das ist gut, wir müssen die making mach es wieder großartig ! :bocal

Auch, bienvenue :sfrog

That's a nice little poem you wrote me there. It's appreciated. :pfr

yop a dit:

Ich spresche Deutsch ein bischen aber es ist nicht Wunderbar :F

Monsieur, you aren't by chance from Elsass, are you?

yop - posté le 07/08/2018 à 21:58:15 (296 messages postés)

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Actually I'm not !
I just had 7 years of German lessons in secondary school (from middle school to high school) but I was very bad and didn't learn much because of a lack of practice.
It's too bad because I really like German and Germans ! But I didn't like the way it was taught :( I still managed to get 16 out of 20 at the Baccalauréat :doute5

Although a good friend of mine moved to Strasbourg a few years ago and when I see him we like to do some trips to Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg or even all the way up to Belgium. We go to music festivals or things like that (beer festivals ahah). And each time we come across Germany I try to practice my German :rit2

However Swiss German is incomprehensible for me, I tried but :F

"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

Red-Cube - posté le 07/08/2018 à 22:40:47 (11 messages postés)

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yop a dit:

Actually I'm not !
I just had 7 years of German lessons in secondary school (from middle school to high school) but I was very bad and didn't learn much because of a lack of practice.
It's too bad because I really like German and Germans ! But I didn't like the way it was taught :( I still managed to get 16 out of 20 at the Baccalauréat :doute5

Haha, I know what you mean. It was the same with me and the Spanish courses. I guess there isn't much appeal when you're forced to do something.

yop a dit:

Although a good friend of mine moved to Strasbourg a few years ago and when I see him we like to do some trips to Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg or even all the way up to Belgium. We go to music festivals or things like that (beer festivals ahah). And each time we come across Germany I try to practice my German :rit2

However Swiss German is incomprehensible for me, I tried but :F

Sounds cool.
Lol don't mind. Even Bavarian German is incomprehensible from time to time.^^

Mohat - posté le 09/08/2018 à 22:57:15 (223 messages postés)

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Welcome !

Index du forum > Présentations > Howdy!

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