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Index du forum > Jeux terminés > [RM MV] Monster Garden

wzackw - posté le 10/02/2018 à 22:23:18 (5 messages postés)

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Hello! Excuse my post in English, but a French friend recommended that I post my game here. :) I'm an American currently living in Berlin.

I've been working on my game for two years and just released it on Steam and itch last week. I started it because I wanted to design a bunch of strange and funny monster characters, and then it just developed from there. :)

You play as Mr. Bobo and go on adventures to "seedlings" to find friends to live in your garden. It's basically a walking sim I guess and is pretty short (about 30 minutes). There are 15 monsters friends in total, and each one has a unique ending, but you can only meet 5 or 6 monsters on one playthrough.



I made some introduction cards like these, too:



Anyway, it's been really nice to release it on Steam after all the time I worked on it! Let me know what you think if you try it! (If €4.99 is too expensive, let me know in a DM. ;))

And someone did a Let's Play of it here if you want to see what it's like:



smudkip - posté le 11/02/2018 à 14:12:59 (628 messages postés)

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Deneos production

Welcome here :) Your game is really original, and make me want to make RPG Maker games again!

Pour plus d'infos sur Tako-San :

Nemau - posté le 11/02/2018 à 16:18:19 (52480 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Looks nice !

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

NanakyTim - posté le 11/02/2018 à 16:24:47 (23817 messages postés)

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Leader Bocaliste Floodeur Légendaire

Looks good!

Héros ou Fléau ? Devenez le Roi de Quineroy ! ~ Plongez dans l'univers sombre du Darkans ! ~ Dimens Reis... Allez y faire un tour. ~ Rangez votre chambre ! ~ Avez-vous peur du noir ? ~ Sauvez le futur, en allant dans le passé: BOCALATOR...

wzackw - posté le 11/02/2018 à 20:28:49 (5 messages postés)

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NanakyTim a dit:

Looks good!

Nemau a dit:

Looks nice !

smudkip a dit:

Welcome here :) Your game is really original, and make me want to make RPG Maker games again!

Thanks! :)

And here is the Steam link since I forgot that, haha. XD

Verehn - posté le 12/02/2018 à 00:36:31 (9058 messages postés) - honor

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Weird and cool. :)

You should display your video here between [youtube] markups. ;)

Besides the monster concepts you drew at the start, do you have specific RPG Maker or indie games as an inspiring influence ?

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

wzackw - posté le 12/02/2018 à 14:27:03 (5 messages postés)

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Verehn a dit:

Weird and cool. :)

You should display your video here between [youtube] markups. ;)

Besides the monster concepts you drew at the start, do you have specific RPG Maker or indie games as an inspiring influence ?

Sure! Here it is:

Well, mostly 90s JRPGs, but I don't know if those are "indie." Paladin's Quest/Lennus I and II were a huge inspiration, and they are at least minor.

The RPG Maker game Space Funeral was inspiring, but it was also kind of violent for me... And I didn't play Yume Nikki, but the videos I saw and its general popularity were inspiring. The first 15 minutes of Undertale where it seems like a scary, mysterious world of monsters was also really great. :)

The oldest Lisa game (top-down version) was interesting and somehow inspiring, too.

Konnie - posté le 21/02/2018 à 22:16:30 (3982 messages postés)

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This game looks like a lot of fun. The monsters are really funky.

Subotai - posté le 27/02/2018 à 02:38:34 (548 messages postés) -

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Il est Conan, un Cimmérien. Il ne pleurera pas, alors je pleure pour lui.

wow, nice

Despite the "crazy" theme, there seems to be a real coherence and your game looks like ( and only after watching a small trailer ) it is really a serious game, not a silly thing just for the sake of it, with a focus on story-telling.

It's really inspiring to discover projects like yours.

Is the music from the trailer yours? If so, congrats!

Archer et voleur --- En moyenne trois virgules par phrase --- Mon profil Bluesky à moi où je met des dessins (à moi aussi) --- Projet mémoire --- Plague doctor --- Je devrais être en train de bosser /// Etat d'esprit

wzackw - posté le 01/03/2018 à 01:10:50 (5 messages postés)

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Subotai a dit:

wow, nice

Despite the "crazy" theme, there seems to be a real coherence and your game looks like ( and only after watching a small trailer ) it is really a serious game, not a silly thing just for the sake of it, with a focus on story-telling.

It's really inspiring to discover projects like yours.

Is the music from the trailer yours? If so, congrats!

Thanks! The game definitely feels like it fits together for me somehow, although the "story" is more like lots of little scenes with different monsters. It's more about getting to know your monster friends than a grand story, I guess. It's kinda silly AND serious maybe...?

But if you get a chance to play, let me know what you think! :)

And the music is the only thing I didn't do (that, and most of the sounds). A friend made the music, and the song during the trailer is the "theme song" of the garden.

Index du forum > Jeux terminés > [RM MV] Monster Garden

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