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Index du forum > Généralités > [RM2k3 DynRPG Plugin] Keyboard & Mouse Input

Cherry - posté le 11/02/2012 à 20:57:15 (163 messages postés)

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...has his own Fan Club

Hello everbody!

This is the first "official" (and hopefully useful) DynRPG plugin of mine.
You can find information about DynRPG here:

Source code and a demo project are included in the download.

readme.txt a dit:

This DynRPG plugin allows you to use the mouse and all keys in your game.

>>> In the "demo" folder you can find a demo game.
>>> In the "src" folder you can find the source code of this plugin.

1) Make sure the DynRPG patch is installed at your game:
2) Copy keyboard_mouse_input.dll into your game's DynPlugins folder.
3) Add a section [keyboard_mouse_input] to your game's DynRPG.ini where you can set the options of this plugin (see below).


You can set the following options in your DynRPG.ini file:

Assigns a switch to a key. The switch will be ON when the key is pressed, otherwise it will be OFF. AAA is the virtual key code of the key, BBB is the switch ID.
For a list of virtual key codes, see here:

Assigned the "A" key (virtual key code 65) to switch #2.
You may use the same switch for more than one key, in this case the switch will be ON if at least one of the keys is pressed.

Assigns two variables (AAA and BBB) to the mouse position (X and Y coordinates).


There are also two comment commands which can be used to check one key or all key at once (use them in event comments):
(NOTE: You may use the prefix "V" for parameters to have the value of the parameter read from a variable. You can also use more than one "V" prefix.)

@CheckKey XXX, YYY
Checks whether the key with virtual key code XXX is pressed and sets the switch whose ID is YYY to ON or OFF accordingly.

<> Comment: @CheckKey V3, 4
Checks the key whose virtual key code is stored in variable #3 and writes the result to switch #4.
<> Comment: @CheckKey 68, 101
Checks the "D" key (key code 68) and writes the result to switch #101.

@CheckAllKeys XXX
Checks all keys (except for the mouse buttons). If no key is pressed variable #XXX will be set to zero, otherwise to the virtual key code of the key which is pressed.
If more than one key is pressed, the key with the lowest virtual key code is used.


Best regards,

Cherry = CherryDT |

kilam1110 - posté le 11/02/2012 à 23:13:38 (9159 messages postés)

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Great, simple and useful, thank you. :p

New RPG Maker - Forum traitant du logiciel RPG Maker tout en français ! | SURVIVE V2.5 - Dégommez du zombie !

maws - posté le 12/02/2012 à 17:42:39 (2853 messages postés)

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Fan de Cherry !!!

Thank you Cherry !! DYNRPG's very powerful ! Wating for other plugins !!

LE DYNRPG PATCH DE CHERRY | DRAGON BALL HOSHI IS COMING SOON | MA CHAINE LIVESTREAM!! MEILLEUR HEBERGEUR DE FICHIER AVEC VITESSE ILLIMITEE | FAN DE CHERRY!!!!!!!!!!! The Rm factory est super, son éditeur RM2009 en vaut la pein !!! | Gojlipo Online!! | CE TUTO PUE LA CHIASSE!! | //IRZYKA JE T'AIME!!// | Ma galerie... | un tuto... | un Mode7 pas fini... | Plein de bon script pour RMXP et RMVX!! | Nuki' Fan | megadownload | Direct download | Soft maroc | The Master RPG Maker Helpful Things | Je n'ai pas du tout d'imagination | STICK FIGURE PWNAGE! | SERIE FIGHT ANIMATION: VERSUS! | Pourquoi j'ai pas mis ça plus tôt oO? | PSPGUNZ | Simon's cat | That's a great game

Styxnow - posté le 13/02/2012 à 12:56:53 (81 messages postés)

❤ 0

Thank you Cherry that's just a great plugin !!!
But sometime I have some probleme they told me DirectDraw ERROR (DDERR_NOEXCLUSIVEMODE).

Cherry - posté le 13/02/2012 à 15:57:47 (163 messages postés)

❤ 0

...has his own Fan Club

I fixed a bug: In fullscreen, the mouse coordinates were wrong. Please re-download!

@Styxnow: Only with my plugin? O_o That's very strange because it does nothing graphical at all.

Cherry = CherryDT |

Index du forum > Généralités > [RM2k3 DynRPG Plugin] Keyboard & Mouse Input

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