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Index du forum > Jeux amateurs > An European Site-Archive of Free Indie Games

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freank - posté le 30/03/2012 à 15:50:27 (63 messages postés)

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One of the best portals to publish your indie and casual games!

Hi! I want to show you my project :)

Bonjour ! Je veut vous montrer mon projet
Indiexpo est un portail portant sur les jeux amateur, né en Mars 2011, où les utilisateur peuvent envoyer leurs travaux et les dévoiler aux joueurs. Tout les genres sont accepté (RPGs, jeu d'action, d'aventure, etc...) et une section est dédiés au développement de jeux, où les visiteurs peuvent trouver des outils et des ressources pour créer leurs propres jeux.
Pour tenter les gens, il y a une classification basée sur les points collectés en postant des commentaire, évaluant et publiant des jeux. Le staff fait régulièrement des concours et des tournois pour les joueurs et développeurs, pour les distraire et collecter plus de points.

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)


Le Indiexpo a également lancé une chaine Youtube ( ) où les développeurs peuvent envoyer des vidéos de leurs propres jeux et il y aura des vidéos de test des jeux les plus populaire.
Il y a une page facebook où l'on pourras poster des news et où les visiteur pourront facilement prendre contact avec le Staff.
Le site internet est disponible en Anglais, Italien et Allemand et, avec l'aide de Monos et de Kilam1110, Français (Bientôt en Espagnol).

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)


Nous grandissons mois après mois, nous introduisons beaucoup de fonction pour rendre le site plus puissant et efficace.
Nous voulons être le meilleur portail, avec uniquement des jeux amateur libre, dans le monde !

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)


Avantages :
- Interface simple pour publier vos jeux automatiquement, et un panneau où vous pouvez gérer vos jeux.
- Système de point pour être classifié et être en haut de la liste.
- Chaîne Youtube pour poster des vidéos, et page Facebook pour les news et tout les documents sur FreankExpo.
- Le support de toute le Staff pour n'importe quelles questions.

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)

Join now! Rejoignez nous maintenant !


>>Share your game on indiexpo

Ephy - posté le 19/04/2012 à 19:40:59 (30086 messages postés) - honor

❤ 0


Bon site, allez y mettre vos jeux les gens, ça vous fera de la pub au niveau international ;)

Power Level: 1 148 355,38|Mystic Slayer (Value!+)|Le monde d'Adélaïde|Reikon no Yume|★ H-Project|Toho Danmaku Arena|Loli versus Ponies|Mes vidéos|Ma galerie|Débuter sur VX:10, 11|Tuto: Importation de ressources|Mapper avec les RTP VX|Touhou|Fan de Omenides|Fan de Estheone|Eph'ille: 14

Gez - posté le 19/04/2012 à 19:49:56 (145 messages postés)

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Sympa, J'ai cherché le jeu fais avec les rip d'Alundra (screenshot au dessus) j'ai pas réussi à le trouver, quelqu'un sait où il est?

Tower of The Sorcerer 2

freank - posté le 19/04/2012 à 21:56:07 (63 messages postés)

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It's Armaiden II, it's at 6° in the gamechart of the website. According to me... one of the better italian game.
(if you vote the screenshots in the low of the homepage, you can see it at the first position)


EDIT : hi guys ! I want show us new freankexpo mask 3 :
Now you can upload, in your page-game, also Artworks, Soundtrack and Video.
There are over 300 free indie games !
Kilam1110 is helping me to translate also the tool's descriptions in french.
Share your games !

EDIT 2 : We're spreading the on the Spanish Communities and in the other communities about M.U.G.E.N. !

We're collaborating also with the Alex D'Or contest !

p.s. more benefits ! Edited the first post !


EDIT 3 :


Launched, after much work, the FreankExpo Mask IV.
The news:

- New HomePage
- New Game-Page
- FreankExpo-Arena : The ability to defy another game (with the same language and type of yours). And

then to be rated for 10 days by other users. (To defy a game just click the button "Defy it"in the game-

page of the game).
- Events : the admins of partner sites (like this one) can create and / or promote events. And all users

can participate and ask questions.
- New Grapichs
- More Social : you can share the games on Facebook and /or Twitter
- New Gallery
- Most visibility to the last games included

The next objectives:
-> Reach 500 games.
-> More sexy girls on the site
-> New rankings to valorise the winner games of the Arena.


EDIT 4 : Over 500 games in less of 3 years !
Share your games ! It's easy and fast !


EDIT 5 : News ! Launched the FreankExpo Mask VI.


- New Grapichs for the developers
- More Games in the Homepage
- Now you can upload your Game on our server (free, fast and easy).
- New fast comments
- Also games for mobile (Android, Ios & WindowsPhone)

>>Share your game on indiexpo

Ephy - posté le 21/06/2015 à 12:23:28 (30086 messages postés) - honor

❤ 0


Bonne version du site, toujours aussi riche. Bravo :sourit

Power Level: 1 148 355,38|Mystic Slayer (Value!+)|Le monde d'Adélaïde|Reikon no Yume|★ H-Project|Toho Danmaku Arena|Loli versus Ponies|Mes vidéos|Ma galerie|Débuter sur VX:10, 11|Tuto: Importation de ressources|Mapper avec les RTP VX|Touhou|Fan de Omenides|Fan de Estheone|Eph'ille: 14

Freank - posté le 21/08/2015 à 10:36:30 (63 messages postés)

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Thanks Ephy!

Launched the FreankExpo Mask VII - Modern UX.


- Over 500 Likes on Facebook Page
- Supporting Alex D'Or Contest 2015
- New Grapichs/Design

>>Share your game on indiexpo

arttroy - posté le 21/08/2015 à 13:53:31 (2394 messages postés)

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Just working

Good site, very easy to use ^^ I signed up, maybe i will have a demo to post soon. A very good job you've done for sure.

PS : Hey les gens allez faire un tour dans les meilleurs jeux ^^ 3ème Aëdemphia et 8ème Asylopole, Félicitations aux créateurs de ces 2 petites merveilles ^^.

Anti-inconstructivité / Pétition pour que le mot making soit inscrit dans le dictionnaire ?

Freank - posté le 05/10/2015 à 12:49:27 (63 messages postés)

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Thanks Arttroy !!

Here it is a fan art realized by Elf Games, the authors of Little Briar Rose :


And we added :
- Follow a Game (clicking on the Star)
- News (you can post news about your game(s) and your followers will receive a notifications about it.

You can share also your games even if they are only in french ;)


News !!

Here we are !
The was born in the 01.03.2011.
A website that many people decided to use. Anyone... from noob to pro.
Now near to one thousand Like on Facebook Page.
But we want to continue to grow up. And to do this... we needed to evolve.

The FreankExpo dies to live again through

The soul is the same but with a modern armor.
The heart, the games, continue to give it life.
A new beginning.

New features are already visible: you can put more downloads, upload games on our server (max 750MB), upload and play online HTML5 games (on PC, Tablet and Smartphone).
Uploading games made with RpgMaker MV, they will be automatically playable online. (exemple: )

More will come soon!


>>Share your game on indiexpo

SalamenderD - posté le 06/02/2016 à 13:10:11 (114 messages postés)

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c'est un bon site ! simple mais complet, je le recommande :sourit

Mon Site ; Mon Hymne ; Witness Of The Storm ! ; Les pommes marçies-moulues !

freank - posté le 04/06/2016 à 20:11:08 (63 messages postés)

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Thanks Salamender !

Hot news !

- Added Footer
- Added Info Page
- Improved Most Downloaded Query
- Fixed bugs
- the Events Area is open
- now you can upload GIF (example)
- New Notification Area
- Added SiteMap
- Add Rss Feeds Area
- New Share Buttons
and last but not list :
- Added QR Code in your Game Page


- We added also the Game Cards (if you are a developer and post a comment, the users can see a Game Card about one of your games (random) and click/download on it)


And now on the website there are over 1,000 Games (but only 90 in french) !


You can follow the changelog and more about indie games here : click me

Give us feedback and suggestions. We want to don't want to do a website for you... but a website with you !

>>Share your game on indiexpo

Falco - posté le 05/06/2016 à 21:11:08 (19588 messages postés)

❤ 0

Indie game Developer

I had never seen the site before, it is very complete and really helpful, good job for that!

Inexistence Rebirth - Inexistence - Portfolio

freank - posté le 16/08/2016 à 09:56:10 (63 messages postés)

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Falco a dit:

I had never seen the site before, it is very complete and really helpful, good job for that!

Thanks Falco ! There are also several french games :)

So ! I'm here to talk about the new features of the website, to say "thanks" to all the developers that choose indiexpo to share their games !

1 - Feed Rss for your News !
See the News-Area of a Game page and click on the icon to see the Feed Rss and follow it.
If you're a developer, read here how to link your feed at twitter.


2 - E-Mail Notifications
Added the email notifications and a Setting Area to customize it.

3 - Levels, Points and Powers !
Click on the icon on top-right and discover your level and powers !
Read here about how to earn points.


4 - Added AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for each game.
5 - Added new Languages : Russian and Polish.
6 - Coming soon new games in exclusive. Stay tuned on Facebook !


News !
- Too easy to "read" the feed rss of a game. Now you just put the link of the game page in your rss reader and it will works automatically !
- New chart about Most Downloaded (Last 30 Days)
- Added how many users follow a game
- New chart about the most followed games.
- Added new Statistics about your game
- In the game pages, now you can click on the left and make a search.
- Added a red label about the games that you can play online
- Now you can add hashtags in the description or in the comments
- Added the preview of the youtube-videos when you put a link.

>>Share your game on indiexpo

Verehn - posté le 28/09/2016 à 17:46:49 (9058 messages postés) - honor

❤ 0


Nice additions, good job !

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

freank - posté le 10/03/2017 à 17:54:26 (63 messages postés)

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Verehn a dit:

Nice additions, good job !

Thanks Verehn!


But we added another amazing feature!
We made a "new gamepad", a new way to play the MV games (and other html5 games).
If you have an android smartphone, go here and download the app (it’s free and always will be).

Then select one of those games (my suggestion: Mom or ParaDog made with MV by artgames! wow)... scan the QR code with the App... and now you can play it using your smartphone like a gamepad!

How to add it at your game?
It's very very easy. It works only for the games made with MV.
Upload the zip of your game (like a html5 game) and click on "Enable indiepad support".
It's all.
Easy and fast.
No script, no code!

>>Share your game on indiexpo

freank - posté le 21/04/2017 à 10:50:49 (63 messages postés)

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== New Features ==

Long Description

Now you can add also a long Description about your game, using also the MARKup to format the text.


"Fast" subscriptions
Now you can add a game to your subscription directly in home page, clicking on the heart. Easy and fast.


Added a new area called History, where you can find your latest downloaded games.

Fast Updates/News
You can write the last update about your game directly in the game-page

Thanks to the developer of this game (very nice, you should try!), now indiexpo is also in Chinese!


Level Up
Added​a surprise when you level up...! :)

== Changes ==

- new search bar in the mobile view

- now you can see the gems of the other users when they left a comment

- improved the Level area

- the indiepad has over 500 downloads! So we redesign the console area like a real virtual platform!

>>Share your game on indiexpo

freank - posté le 15/06/2017 à 08:43:27 (63 messages postés)

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Hi guys! Nice news!
We added several new features.
The main latest features are:

User Pages

About the User Page

Clicking on the name of an author (of a game or comment) you can see/show your games, subscriptions and the latest games played!


You can also see/show the badges obtained on the website!
(To see all the badges, you can click on your own Level area)

About the embed


It's very cool, if you uploaded a html5 now you can click on the write "embed" and share your game on your own website, blog or forum.
Easy and fast!

>>Share your game on indiexpo

freank - posté le 26/10/2017 à 14:28:59 (63 messages postés)

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Here we are!
We added several news recently!
In September + 15% games downloaded! Very nice result!
And also this October is going very well!

The main changes / improvements were:
- restyle of the area about the game news and comments
- added new medals to win! (we're improving also their notification settings in this period)
- added the possibility to create a shortcut to the user page using @username
- ‎in home page now there's the area called "in the case you missed" with the latest news about the games that follow
- ‎improved the SEO of different pages (and it's increasing the traffic from Google! Yeah)
- ‎formatting system also in the comments area
- ‎new design of the game pages
- ‎added translation of the site in Korean (87% we're still completing it)

Indiexpo is growing up and more and more users are coming... which involves more and more work!


In this period we are completing also a new feature about the achievements (now testing) and a way to earn money through the site!
New exclusive games and several interviews on Facebook / YouTube by indie teams (really cool) are coming!
And thanks as always for your support! Several views from this community!
With your help we are reaching new goals and we are helping a lot of new developers with their games!
And stay tuned!

>>Share your game on indiexpo

freank - posté le 30/05/2018 à 18:48:14 (63 messages postés)

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Hey indiexpors!
Here we are with other news about the website that it's growing up day by day!
When it was born, it was just another website with free games, not so sure to see a new day. But now it's smashing and there are over 2,000 games, so many feedbacks and a great community of crazy players and devs!

So the latest news/features/adds:
- website translated in Finnish (thanks to Virva) and Ukrainian (thanks to quizcanners)
- improved the Suggestion Algorithm
- improved the Notification System
- improved the Badge System for Devs and Gamers
- added Comments Area in the User Page (to show the latest games commented by the User)


- New subareas in the Indieconsole! How many players are in your room?
- added the link to the User Page in the Notification Area
- Score System Completed (now with Notifications and the author can delete the Fake Scores)
- added the Date in the Comments


- 30 Games that support the Score System!
- Over 2,000 Free Games!
- added new filters in the Advanced Search (Online Games and Games with Scores)

And now?
Now we're finally working on an original support system for the developers and the "Daily Challenge" for the best players!
Stay tuned!
We're planning to complete it in June/July!

>>Share your game on indiexpo

freank - posté le 18/07/2018 à 10:18:22 (63 messages postés)

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It's going very good!
Recently great free cool games, the new score system on games with a old fashioned Retro Style, new features, monetisation for devs, changing and so many other things!


So... What are the latest news?

- LIVE Notifications!
- AMP pages for the Users
- improved AMP game pages also with the suggested games
- Monetisation [BETA] for indie devs (it needs a separate post, no worry)
- bugfix! bugfix! bugfix! bugfix!
- now the Charts show only the games uploaded/updated in the last 6 months
- Language problem on the website? Now you can select your language on Settings Area!
- Improved Mobile View!

Social Goals?

Over 2,000 followers on Facebook
Opened an Instagram Page

And now?
Now we're focusing our energies on two elements: Bugfix & Players
Yes, we want to fix aaaaaall the bugs reported recently and gather new players!

>>Share your game on indiexpo

freank - posté le 04/10/2018 à 12:00:29 (63 messages postés)

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Recently we improved the website with several little features and fixes!
To improve the experience of developers and players!

Let's start!
- Now you can see, in the User Page, the latest Games with Score System Played!
- Added the Adult Filter, that you can switch (on/off) in your Settings
- Improved the Game News Area, with buttons to follow or download the game, easily and fastly

-bugfix, bugfix, bugfix
- Added Malay Language!
- Improved the Recommended Algorithm in the HomePage also for no-logged users!
- Are you playing an online game and received a notification? Now you can move the mouse on the top and open the Notification Area, no exit from your game!

Other nice info!
- Over 800 Users are using our Chrome Extension, to play online game from your browser!
- Adding the Chromecast Support to our indiepad app, to use your TV like a free virtual game console!

Sever indiexpors will be at Milan Games Week to show their games:

>>Share your game on indiexpo

freank - posté le 31/03/2019 à 12:41:41 (63 messages postés)

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Hi guys! We are continuing to improve the website adding few fixes and new features!

In this period we are focusing our attention on the players.
So we added:
- Latest Champions in Events Area
(You can see who are the users that realized the latest records in the games with the online leaderboards)


But indiexpo is also the only website where you can upload your game on our servers or also just to put the link to an external link.
But "where I am going?"
For this reason (inspired by Reddit) we added two features:
- icon in the Download button if it has an external link
- file name (or link preview) when you're clicking on the Download button


And to make it fun, now you can also:
- to add links to images or gif in comments (and news area). The website will show them automatically!

>>Share your game on indiexpo

freank - posté le 02/09/2019 à 15:14:46 (63 messages postés)

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And we are continuing to grow up! This was a very HOT summer!
A lot of new [URL='']cool indie games to play[/URL]! Totally FREE!
And new game developers and streamers are now on the website!
It's incredible what this website is becoming!
We were born not too long ago just to link several communities and to share and upload our games easily and fastly.
And now every month we are adding new features, new games, new ideas! It's fantastic!

Now indiexpo has a new logo.
Modern, easy, clear and cool


Under this brand we will continue to make indiexpo great!

But, what are the latest updates? What about the future?

- At first we want to refresh the blog and help the developers, so we are going to focus on that- with a complete analysis and QA of the games recently uploaded on the website;
- we updated the [URL='']indiepad app[/URL], with a new button called "Home" to go back
to the Select Area;
- improved the SEO of the Search Area;
- we supported directly several good developers that uploaded very cool games!
- we added a chart exclusive to the games uploaded recently (30 days), visible only to the developers, so they can see how their own games are going, compared with the new entries;
- we helped a few Kickstarter campaigns receive founding!

BUT also:

Watching movies, playing games, reading book. Spoilers are everywhere.

For this reason, we added a new way to write comments on indiexpo.
Now adding || this || you can write what do you want, hidding the text and to make the world safe for other players.

Just this? Oh, no baby.
Here it is another small feature. The Online Status.
In the Profile page (yours or another user), you can see if he is online or not!
Very easy.


We improved the design of the website, changing also the Subscribe Button!
Here it is the new one:


A new feature is the Subscribers List! Clicking on the subscribers number (near the players) you can see who is following a game. Like on instagram. Very easy


We are also improving the recommended algorithm in the home page, trying to suggest also the popular games of your favourite genre and of your language (observing your previous download and comments)

There are also two new interesting games that have the Score System of indiexpo!

[URL='']Endless Combat Dungeon[/URL] (for the retrogaming lovers)
[URL='']Overlord's New Mansion[/URL] (platform)

If you are logged, you can send your score in the online leaderboard automatically! Very easy and fast!
Try to be the BEST!

Continue to follow us also on our [URL='']socials[/URL]! And join on [URL='']Discord[/URL] to be part of this!

>>Share your game on indiexpo

Sylvanor - posté le 05/09/2019 à 23:00:11 (24653 messages postés) - webmaster

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Le gars chiant qui rigole jamais (il paraît)

Your work is very impressive. :)
Great to see somebody so passionate!
Do you work alone on this site?

Les croissants croâssent en croix, s'ancrent ou à cent croîssent sans crocs à sang. Crois! Sens! ౡ

freank - posté le 25/10/2019 à 09:09:16 (63 messages postés)

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Hi Sylvanor! no, i'm not alone :) I started alone but now there is a good team behind!

Recently, we tackled the 'game rating' topic It will not be immediate, but some 'limiters' will be gradually implemented, regarding things such as how long the user's account has existed, the user's level, etc.
A ranking system is something other sites lack and therefore we aim for it to be as clear and honest as possible. These changes will require effort, but they are necessary. It will take some time and some testing, but they are in the works.

Social Network & Marketing. In the next period, we will focus our 'marketing resources' on Facebook (the best social for a Desktop audience), to promote games that belong in the 'middle tier' on indiexpo.

What updates have been made to the site?
First of all, you might have noticed new icons in the Notification area, that should make visualization more immediate.


In the homepage, we added a new mini-section, showing three random games that have recently gotten over 1000 players (still in testing stage, we're trying to see if people like it and use it).

Trending Games. By visiting the pages of games uploaded in the latest 30 days, you might have noticed 'Trending Games' written in some of them- indicating that that game is receiving a lot of attention when compared to other games uploaded in that timeframe.

Thanks to the help from the author of Knightin'+, the website has been entirely translated to Ukrainian. The translation, previously only 78% done, is now complete! And the new visits from Eastern Europe are already increasing!

>>Share your game on indiexpo

freank - posté le 11/01/2020 à 15:33:45 (63 messages postés)

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Happy 2020, everyone!
Let's start right away with a nice devlog to talk about what's been recently added to the site!
Then, at the end of this devlog, we will also talk about what's coming next!
First off, let's talk about the goals we'd set ourselves last year and what came of them.

- More events like Egg Hunting -> No Egg Hunting(s), but we had more games with a leaderboard system!
- More exclusive games, FREE as always! -> DONE! And the last one for 2019 was Ultimate Reality
- Continuining to improve the Recommended Area in the Home Page (it's very important for us) -> DONE!
- More games with online functionalities -> DONE!
Improvement of the News Area -> DONE! Now it's easier to add images and youtube videos, since a few weeks ago we improved the Markdown system!
- More comments on the latest games -> DONE! Thanks to the recommendation algorithm
- More ways to use indiepad -> DONE! With new buttons and the indiepad screen for mobile phone- read more below!

What did we add this year?

- New logo!
- Area Events & Challenges -> Added the 'Latest Champions' list
- (Inspired by Reddit) Icons when clicking on the Download button if it contains an external link or file name
- When adding links to images, gifs and youtube videos in the comments and in the News Area, the website will display them automatically!
- New ANTI-SPOILER funtion in the comments (and in the news)
- Online status in User Pages
- Subscribers lists (like Instagram's)
- Indiepad: new Home button (to go back)
- Improved the Search Area's SEO
- Added a chart exclusive to recently uploaded games (less than 30 days), only visible to developers, so they can see how their games are doing, compared with new ones
- Trending Games tab
- Improved the Ukranian and Polish translation of the website, thanks to @Wolod and @Soulrender

What have we done lately?

- Indiepad on the screen when you play an indiepad game on your phone!

- In the homepage you can now see the 3 latest indie games to gain over 1000 players!
- Players List (only for the games' authors), accessible by clicking on the Player Counter on your game's page!
- Rating filters. Now you can only rate a game if you already downloaded it, your account is more than 10 days old, and your level is higher than 2.

Coming soon?

- Website available in yet another language: Persian!
- "From Dev To Dev". A series of technical articles written by more experienced users by looking at more promising games. The first will be by @FrancescaDeVivo, the artist for Fantastico Studio's games
- Making the indieconsole even better
- New blog posts about a few statistics of the site, comparing 2019 to 2018

What are our goals for 2020?

- Focusing on the players
- Supporting more developers or small teams putting their games up on Kickstarter
- Making user experience on the mobile site different from the desktop site's
Raising the site's 'gamification'

Will we be able to do all this? Keep following us and we'll find out together!


>>Share your game on indiexpo

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Plan du site

Communauté: Accueil | Forum | Chat | Commentaires | News | Flash-news | Screen de la semaine | Sorties | Tests | Gaming-Live | Interviews | Galerie | OST | Blogs | Recherche
Apprendre: Visite guidée | RPG Maker 95 | RPG Maker 2003 | RPG Maker XP | RPG Maker VX | RPG Maker MV | Tutoriels | Guides | Making-of
Télécharger: Programmes | Scripts/Plugins | Ressources graphiques / sonores | Packs de ressources | Midis | Eléments séparés | Sprites
Jeux: Au hasard | Notre sélection | Sélection des membres | Tous les jeux | Jeux complets | Le cimetière | RPG Maker 95 | RPG Maker 2000 | RPG Maker 2003 | RPG Maker XP | RPG Maker VX | RPG Maker VX Ace | RPG Maker MV | Autres | Proposer
Ressources RPG Maker 2000/2003: Chipsets | Charsets | Panoramas | Backdrops | Facesets | Battle anims | Battle charsets | Monstres | Systems | Templates
Ressources RPG Maker XP: Tilesets | Autotiles | Characters | Battlers | Window skins | Icônes | Transitions | Fogs | Templates
Ressources RPG Maker VX: Tilesets | Charsets | Facesets | Systèmes
Ressources RPG Maker MV: Tilesets | Characters | Faces | Systèmes | Title | Battlebacks | Animations | SV/Ennemis
Archives: Palmarès | L'Annuaire | Livre d'or | Le Wiki | Divers