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Index du forum > Jeux terminés > [RM2k3] Paradise Blue

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OceansDream - posté le 09/12/2010 à 05:04:53 (13 messages postés) -

❤ 0

In the old Island of Azulea, the natives were pushed away from the land they once held. The ones who conquered the land have settled and created a new civilization on the Island. Now that the King is near death, there are 2 groups that are fighting for the throne. Your group is ready to take over the Island, and hires some help to do so!

*15 job classes including Black Mage, Summoner, Dark Knight and more
*40 quests, including sidequests
*Tough optional bosses to fight
*Customize your characters including gender, class and abilities
*NPCs to hire that can help you in battle

Language: English
Genre: Old school quest based RPG
Length: 2 - 4 hours
Download/Télécharger -


And forgive me, I don't really speak French but I'll try my best to figure out anything said in French! I'm visiting because I saw some interesting screenshots from this community posted on RMN so I figured I'd look around a bit too!

Ephy - posté le 09/12/2010 à 09:57:50 (30086 messages postés) - honor

❤ 0


Wow. Very beautiful <3

Crea, il nous FAUT une trad française de ce jeu.

Power Level: 1 148 355,38|Mystic Slayer (Value!+)|Le monde d'Adélaïde|Reikon no Yume|★ H-Project|Toho Danmaku Arena|Loli versus Ponies|Mes vidéos|Ma galerie|Débuter sur VX:10, 11|Tuto: Importation de ressources|Mapper avec les RTP VX|Touhou|Fan de Omenides|Fan de Estheone|Eph'ille: 14

Autres - posté le 09/12/2010 à 10:15:42 (470 messages postés)

❤ 0

Yes, it seems to be a very good old school RPG.

@ Ephy je plussoie pour la traduction :p.

On se couche moins con chaque soir... enfin, en principe. Le Pac-Nor !

Tata Monos - posté le 09/12/2010 à 10:32:22 (28 messages postés)

❤ 0

Compte Non utilisé

:lol Je ne l'avais pas vu celui la. Encore un de plus chez nous. <3
Et paradis BLue c 'est pas un jeu qui à gagné un titre sur les misao ?

Best Graphics and Artwork 2009.

Shin - posté le 09/12/2010 à 11:07:46 (31 messages postés)

❤ 0

Lunatique amoureux (Vive Nerval !)

Hu, ça fait plaisir :D

Pour l'avoir fini, je le recommande à tout le monde, il est vraiment très fun et il est complet.

Excellent news, I finished it a few months ago and it was very good in my opinion. Are you working on other projects ? Would you have a site or a blog where we can check the progress of your projects by any chance ?

Je suis le ténébreux, le veuf, l'inconsolé...

OceansDream - posté le 09/12/2010 à 16:43:38 (13 messages postés) -

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Thanks for the comments, I'm glad people are liking it! Yeah, it did manage to win a Misao for best graphics/artwork in 2009. I didn't expect an old school looking game to do that, I was surprised.

My blog is over here:
I have a pixel tutorial one too, but I don't update that anymore because of lack of free time.

My current project now is Azulea, which is being made in RMVX. You can see a screenshot of that right in the first post of the blog.

Oh, and if anyone has any issues or things about Paradise Blue that I should avoid or think about for a next game, let me know!

Création - posté le 09/12/2010 à 17:31:37 (1423 messages postés)

❤ 0

une pinoutche vaut mieux que deux tu l'auras

I think your cliff sides need some work but I'll leave it to Shin to explain to you why ;).

Game looks awesome though!

Custom 4 Life

OceansDream - posté le 09/12/2010 à 18:31:21 (13 messages postés) -

❤ 0

Aha, those cliff sides. Yeah they feel a bit flat and blocky to me, I've tried to remedy that. Some games have had interesting looking cliffs so I might even study those a bit more!

Perséphone - posté le 09/12/2010 à 18:40:50 (3157 messages postés)

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I like the overall aspect but i have some critics:
- The window skin is too flashy (the green) and too complex in my opinion ; simple lines would be better and more readable.
- what is the tree-like shape on the battle-screen?
- you've got a beautiful and complex battle background, with shades of violet, and the town screen seem unfinished in comparison.

OceansDream - posté le 09/12/2010 à 19:19:57 (13 messages postés) -

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*Hmm... I'll take note of that then. I want to make an interesting window skin but if it takes too much attention away from the words then that's not good. I had it at Blue and white before but I thought that looked too ordinary.

*The tree is present in every battle screen. It's just like a frame design! :D

*Oh that town screen is an earlier one. I didn't really want to take a new screenshot. But yeah the battle backgrounds are more complex in general! Here, the updated town:

Azaki - posté le 09/12/2010 à 22:21:53 (13139 messages postés)

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Nazi Nietzschéen


*downloads the game as fast as possible*

DeviantArt || My Anime List || Fan de Zeus81, de Kp! et de Karel|| Découvrez Kévin Kelly ! || Mother 4 || Fan de Zim(s) et d'Omenides, dit "le porteur de don et d'espoir" || Nietzsche ta mère. || "Azaki qui modère. J'aime bien. Ça fait un peu white Omenides Nietzschéen. " - Ephy || "En fait, la production d'Indinera, c'est le penchant RM de la littérature fantastique pour adolescentes qu'on a vu fleurir ces dernières années dans les supermarchés." - Åvygeil

Amalrich Von Monesser - posté le 09/12/2010 à 22:26:37 (6074 messages postés)

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I dowloaded this and played a little, there are some homogeneity problems with the graphics (due to the rips from different games I suppose) but except this, i've found this very nice.

(je suis sûr que j'ai fait des fautes partout, corrigez pour moi, esclaves!)

Shin - posté le 10/12/2010 à 01:59:49 (31 messages postés)

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Lunatique amoureux (Vive Nerval !)

For the overall aspect of the game, I think that you could improve it by focusing on two points :

first, you shoud lower the saturation of the colors you use, it may "tire" the eye of the player.

Secondly, the textures of grounds are good, but what is lacking is a good contrast : the floor texture should not be very contrasted, since the main character has to stand on it, I would recommend lowering contrast for most of textures.

I think those two problems could be solve by changing the palette (the most important thing in pixel art !). I have tried to show what I mean by editing one of the chipset of the game, I hope it may be useful to you :



I hope my english is not too bad ^^'

Je suis le ténébreux, le veuf, l'inconsolé...

OceansDream - posté le 10/12/2010 à 04:12:54 (13 messages postés) -

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Yeah, it's a good edit! I tried it out myself:
I sort of feel like remaking the entire graphics for that now, but this game is done and I need focus on my next games (otherwise I'd go happy adding sidequests, more character development, a better ending and all). But yeah, I'll definitely keep it in mind. The contrast on the floors was a bit too much before.

I like the nice little changes you did as well, they work well! Thank you, it can give me good tips for what to do/avoid as well.

Your english is fine, I understood it all!

OceansDream - posté le 14/12/2010 à 06:29:48 (13 messages postés) -

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Ah, glad you liked it! What was wrong with the worldmap though?

Amalrich Von Monesser - posté le 14/12/2010 à 10:02:21 (6074 messages postés)

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Perhaps he didn't like the chocobo system. :-/

zebrot - posté le 14/12/2010 à 15:28:44 (1601 messages postés)

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Troller lvl 1

Pourquoi tous ces jeux anglais déboulent sur Oniro?

01010011 01110101 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101111 01101001 00100000 00111100 00110011

Tata Monos - posté le 14/12/2010 à 15:31:59 (28 messages postés)

❤ 0

Compte Non utilisé


Pourquoi tous ces jeux anglais déboulent sur Oniro?

C'est à cause de création. Il a fait de la pub, et voila, l'ouverture d'oniro sur RMN est en marche.

Azaki - posté le 22/12/2010 à 00:11:19 (13139 messages postés)

❤ 0

Nazi Nietzschéen

Nemau: tu dois y jouer.

OceansDream: I'm playing your game and I'm enjoying it as well. ;)

DeviantArt || My Anime List || Fan de Zeus81, de Kp! et de Karel|| Découvrez Kévin Kelly ! || Mother 4 || Fan de Zim(s) et d'Omenides, dit "le porteur de don et d'espoir" || Nietzsche ta mère. || "Azaki qui modère. J'aime bien. Ça fait un peu white Omenides Nietzschéen. " - Ephy || "En fait, la production d'Indinera, c'est le penchant RM de la littérature fantastique pour adolescentes qu'on a vu fleurir ces dernières années dans les supermarchés." - Åvygeil

Benku - posté le 22/12/2010 à 10:06:01 (2843 messages postés)

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Benku, le prince des ténèbres !

Tata Monos a dit:


Pourquoi tous ces jeux anglais déboulent sur Oniro?

C'est à cause de création. Il a fait de la pub, et voila, l'ouverture d'oniro sur RMN est en marche.

Bah si on nous offre des jeux sympa et bien fait, osef ce l'anglais ;)

Edit: The mapping is good :plusun

Comme tout ceux qui vivent des heures si sombres mais ce n'est pas à eux de décider, tout ce que vous avez à décider, c'est quoi faire du temps qui vous est imparti.

lavy - posté le 08/01/2011 à 20:26:51 (145 messages postés)

❤ 0

Je suis de retour...

J'accepte de vous faire une traduction!
RM 2003 fonctionne !

It is with joy that I would translate this wonderful game


OceansDream - posté le 09/01/2011 à 06:27:33 (13 messages postés) -

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I'm glad you're all liking this! :D

I couldn't quite translate that last comment though :O

lavy - posté le 09/01/2011 à 20:19:14 (145 messages postés)

❤ 0

Je suis de retour...

10% de traduit et orthographe corrigé oblige !


Autres - posté le 09/01/2011 à 20:21:09 (470 messages postés)

❤ 0

lavy a dit:

orthographe corrigé oblige !

En français, ça donne ? Si tu veux, corriger l'orthographe, je peux t'aider.

On se couche moins con chaque soir... enfin, en principe. Le Pac-Nor !

lavy - posté le 09/01/2011 à 20:30:31 (145 messages postés)

❤ 0

Je suis de retour...

non mais d'habitude je fait pas attention a l'orthographer mais la je corrige tout ^^


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Index du forum > Jeux terminés > [RM2k3] Paradise Blue

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