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Index du forum > Jeux en développement > DEEP 8(english Demo)

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IndependentArt - posté le 26/06/2016 à 16:21:47 (16 messages postés)

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first things first: To eventually be able to complete this game, I'm going to launch a crowdfunding campaign around summer 2019. Exact date is going to be announced, of course.
Please also have a look at the crowdfunding concept: click

Most important about a crowdfunding is obviously the crowd, so you. That's why I try to find out, what you want. ^^ So please, if you played the game or you are generally interested in it, fill in this survey: [url="]SURVEY[/url]






Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)


- completely custom graphics
- high quality artworks made in Blender
- custom battle system with a lot of variety
- custom developing system
- support for Windows, Mac, Linux via easyrpg
- jumping-system with timing and flip-funktion
- custom soundtrack
- custom SFX
- elaborate cutscenes
- panty looting


Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)


Konnie - posté le 27/06/2016 à 13:28:20 (3982 messages postés)

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10 years :surpris That's one huge ass project!

The OST sounds gooood!

I gotta say i find the homogeneity of the Deep 8 universe kinda sus. The way you mix sci-fi and fantasy is bothering me a bit. Surely both themes can work along but hardly if it's for the sake of being "cool".
I'd like it if you could tell us more about the story and characters in the description because it's all very vague atm. I'm having a hard time wrappin my brain around the Deep 8 world.

Dunno if the graphics are custom but you should try keeping a set colour palette for your whole game. There's a bit too much going on imo sometimes it's hard to read the image. Because you've been working for 10 years on the project some of the earlier pixel art is probably mixed up with newer stuff, and I seriously can tell.
Like what's going on with Ramirez's picture in the menu? :F
The shading on the hero's charset is also really dark, aint feelin it, its almost like someone's aiming a spotlamp at his face.

Your project looks interesting though. I can tell you've put a lot of work into it & I feel like it's worth testing it. I'll find some time to try it out.

Please update your post with more info about the characters and the lore :kirby

IndependentArt - posté le 28/06/2016 à 18:37:12 (16 messages postés)

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Well hello and thanks for your feedback! Especially that you directly named the stuff that is bothering you. It's not very common that people are that open, but I think it's important for me.

nice, that you like the soundtrack!

now on the issue of "mixed graphic":
all graphics were made by myself and as you could certainly tell, some of the graphics are way older then others, which is in a way something that is bothering me too and it's also the case that I've already overworked some of the graphics several times. But it seems to be an endless cycle and in a way I feel like on the one hand I gotta keep a certain quality or stlye(which most of the stuff has imo) and on the other hand I feel like the only choice to keep this going is to just roll with the mix.
I dunno if I'm too lazy or feckless, but do not seem to be able to maintain a style for this game, which ... could be a style in a way too. so, it might be strange at first for some players like you, but maybe the mix could be the stlye for this game and players might get used to it or even appreciate it in a way... ^^ hope it's possible to understand. but of course you could see all this as an excuse for incompetency.

one character information:
I think my characters are kinda strange and I guess I want the player to find out about that strangeness. of course I could write stuff like Ramirez is shy and so on but I don't think anyone is benefitting from that. what I mentioned, that there is an element of tension between them should be enough.
my storytelling is probably kinda weird too, but this game is about weirdness and you will notice when you play. so I'm looking forward to you doing that and responding again. ;)

IndependentArt - posté le 05/09/2018 à 16:36:27 (16 messages postés)

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it's been a while. I'm currently testing a new demo and I'm looking for beta testers once again. The game is now running on easyrpg. A player is available for windows, mac and linux.
Altough this verison wont provide any new story material, quite a lot has changed.

I'm doing my artworks in Blender now:

Most of the changes on the graphics side:

But the battle system has been updated quite lot too. Complete change log on release. But for now I really need testers. :)

I dunno if I look in here frequently, so easiest would be to write an email:

Nemau - posté le 05/09/2018 à 19:16:59 (52516 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Looks good ! Happy to know the game is still on the making.

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Verehn - posté le 05/09/2018 à 21:47:00 (9058 messages postés) - honor

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Those water effects are pretty cool. Nice artwork too. Welcome back. :sourit

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

IndependentArt - posté le 06/09/2018 à 09:07:46 (16 messages postés)

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Thank you guys very much. Is anyone up for testing? :D

Nemau - posté le 06/09/2018 à 13:15:23 (52516 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

I had tested it some years ago, I had liked it. Maybe I will play it again someday, because of the changes.

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

IndependentArt - posté le 06/09/2018 à 15:49:15 (16 messages postés)

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Maybe today is someday? :hihi

I mean, if you just wanna play it again and see what's changed and have fun with it, then I'd suggest you wait for the new release.

If you really wanna help me getting it bugfree and possibly improve the gameplay, then you could join the betatest. but that's not always fun. you'd have to try to provoke bugs and document everything with screenshots or even videos (that's what helps me most ^^).
It is really hard to find good, thorough testers.

independentart - posté le 27/12/2018 à 18:21:09 (16 messages postés)

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I just edited the start post. New demo is now available.

Solarius - posté le 27/12/2018 à 19:35:20 (326 messages postés)

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Un peu plus à l'ouest...

Wow...Congratulations, this is an impressive project. I'll test this one someday.

Il n'y a que deux choses qui sont infinies : La période d'essai gratuite de WinRar et la stupidité humaine. Et encore, pour la première ça changera peut-être un jour.

independentart - posté le 28/12/2018 à 15:54:51 (16 messages postés)

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Thanks. I'm looking forward to your feedback. :)

Nemau - posté le 28/12/2018 à 17:36:36 (52516 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

There will probably be no feedback or a few, because of the language and because makers (at least : french speaking makers) do not play a lot to other makers' games.

But, if you post screens you will probably have a feedback on them.

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

independentart - posté le 28/12/2018 à 19:26:58 (16 messages postés)

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well, every player counts. :)

I actually had screens but thought: "why screens when there is a trailer?" I mean, a trailer is like a lotta moving screens, is it? :D

Nemau - posté le 29/12/2018 à 14:23:54 (52516 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Well, I think it is better with both. Trailers are cools but with screens we can admire pixel art, we can take the time to look landscape, etc. ^^ And I think some people will not click on trailers because they oblige them to wait a certain time, while with a screen people choose the time they want to spend.

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

independentart - posté le 29/12/2018 à 17:52:16 (16 messages postés)

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Right. You persuaded me. I added some screens in a spoiler. Although some of them are gifs. I feel like thats kinda state of the art or at least very common to post gifs.

btw: is it really that unusual for french people to play english games?

Nemau - posté le 29/12/2018 à 19:06:47 (52516 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

No. It's just we use to not playing amateur games. x) Because it takes time, and most of our members are lazy (as I am X)). The fact your game is in english make you lost only a few part of potential players compared to a game in french.

Anyway, very nices screens. :ange

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Verehn - posté le 30/12/2018 à 01:18:09 (9058 messages postés) - honor

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Well, we all come here searching for tools and help in order to make our own games. It is only normal to find a lot less players than there are creators. However, our download statistics are not that bad in the game list, so I guess even if nobody comments here you still get some downloads from the silent majority. :clindoeil3

I personaly play some RPG Maker games from time to time and your game appeals to me (its atmosphere seems rather unique), but I still have a lot of other games to test first (I told their creators) so I can't guarantee a feedback.

I wish you the best of luck. :sourit

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

independentart - posté le 30/12/2018 à 16:11:56 (16 messages postés)

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silent majority

yeah, I guess that is part of todays attitude. but it's actually a little sad for authors who mostly suffer a great lack of feedback and testing. dunno about this community, but in my german "home com" most games are undertested. people mostly want to consume a finished product and not care much about it's development.
However this is understandable to some degree, too, considering the constant fight of media for the attention of users. Small indie developers have great competition.
I can just hope, that the project is gaining some momentum through all the communties I introduced it to, recently also registered to steam, but need to wait 30 days, till I can realese it. And hopefully the silent mass is there when I need them, to fund the game. ;)

Alkanédon - posté le 30/12/2018 à 17:03:55 (8306 messages postés) - -

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Citoyen d'Alent

Ok I will try to have a good english hihihi :D


but it's actually a little sad for authors who mostly suffer a great lack of feedback and testing

Okay, i came several times to your topic's project, I watched the trailer, read you but did not tested or even commented.

So i'm gonna explain my feels about your game.


people mostly want to consume a finished product and not care much about it's development.

I personnaly dont care about a game that's finished or in developement, if it doesn't catch my attention, I will never care.

The truth is that your game didn't excited me. I know the work, the pain, and anxiety about introducing your game, but dude...

This is bad.

Many things are ugly in your graphics, (and many screens are beautiful), but the 3D in your game is ugly. Beautiful put with ugly are weird and awful.

Then, you say this :


- completely custom graphics
- high quality artworks made in Blender
- custom battle system with a lot of variety
- custom developing system
- support for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Browser via easyrpg
- jumping-system with timing and flip-funktion
- custom soundtrack
- custom SFX
- elaborate cutscenes
- panty looting

I absolutly don't care about those technicals stuff, if the game suck, that doesn't change anything.

And you're giving us crowdfunding links for this....

My opinion is that you're more technician than an artisit in this game. That what made me cringe. Sorry bro.

Mes musiques

Ashala - posté le 30/12/2018 à 18:25:46 (343 messages postés)

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Game looks strange... But I like that.
However, I won't test it cuz I'm focused on my own projects.
I like to follow a game development but I generally don't have time to invest myself a lot. I'll follow your progress because that's interesting.

(In fact, I crave more making time than playing or testing time.)

Anyway, I hope you the best and If you manage to achieve crowfunding or/and DEEP 8, that's awesome.

Just, try not to upset community members with statements like "people mostly want to consume a finished product and not care much about it's development" on a making website. :F

Madame creepy.

Cuddle - posté le 30/12/2018 à 18:51:33 (1893 messages postés) - modero

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The unholy cat


people mostly want to consume a finished product and not care much about it's development.

Oniro is a site of video game developers, if there is something that brings us together, it's precisely the "how" of good games.


yeah, I guess that is part of todays attitude. but it's actually a little sad for authors who mostly suffer a great lack of feedback and testing.

You've been developing this game for 10 years, you should know that it's the logic of the whole Internet, not just development sites.
I guess your game hasn't held up for 10 years just because of the useless little nice feedback. If he's been holding on for 10 years, it's because you do it because you want to. And that you find pleasure in creating. At this level, what use is it to complain about the lack of feedback?

As Alka said, we don't care about the technical features, the fact that it's custom doesn't guarantee it's good. Explain the story, the universe, the mechanics even if you have to spoil us. We are here to advise you and give our opinions on these subjects.
We all have a job, studies, occupations, which means that we don't spend our time on the first game that comes along. Your presentation must justify giving it time in the first place, right now, it's clearly much too short.. There's no point in just saying "It's cool" every time you post when we, ourselves, didn't play the game. But be sure that even if there is no answer, we read what you post, and we make our opinions on it.

If you want my opinion on it, as much as your game seems to have good mechanics, I don't like the graphic style at all, unless it's deliberately disturbing and this style represents exactly what you've been trying to do, it's extremely inequitable. The maps are superb, but the walking animation that you have to see all the game is not well done. And the only drawing you posted has giga-problems.

Good luck with the rest.

Un jeu avec une chatte.

independentart - posté le 30/12/2018 à 19:33:04 (16 messages postés)

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Thanks for sharing your opinion. Maybe my statement about what "most people want" was a little too arrogant, I'm sorry.
But the "artwork" you talked about, is outdated. Please only refer to the facesets in the sceenshots or trailer.
I'm not sure, what you mean by "the 3D in your game is ugly". Maybe you could elaborate on that a little more.
Aaand also not sure, what your opinion on my "feature list" was or why in your opinion it disqualifies me as an artist. I mean, the list contains a few technical facts, sure, but, what about custom graphics, artworks and soundtrack?
Btw: this is one of my more recent blender artworks:


I understand the point of being very much involved in your own project and not wanting to invest time in testing others. Most of the time I'm like that myself. But recently I discoverd, that it can be very interesting to have a mutual test session. So, someones tests your game and you test their game. Can be very benefical for both projects.


Well, I really didn't mean to upset you guys that much or blame you for not getting enough feedback.
However what you say is true: I gain most of my motivation not from feedback but from myself. BUT I still need or want a lot of feedback, because good quality feedback or critique is a mayor factor to improve a game and make it better accessable to more players.

Btw: I now added character description and a story summary.

Cuddle - posté le 30/12/2018 à 19:42:49 (1893 messages postés) - modero

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The unholy cat


Un jeu avec une chatte.

Nemau - posté le 30/12/2018 à 19:43:39 (52516 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Alkanédon a dit:

Beautiful put with ugly are weird and awful

Thanks Alka for speaking an english worse than mine. :F


Then, you say this :


- completely custom graphics
- high quality artworks made in Blender
- custom battle system with a lot of variety
- custom developing system
- support for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Browser via easyrpg
- jumping-system with timing and flip-funktion
- custom soundtrack
- custom SFX
- elaborate cutscenes
- panty looting

I absolutly don't care about those technicals stuff, if the game suck, that doesn't change anything.

I want to reassure IndependentArt about this : some of us (as me) appreciate when a game is mostly custom.


My opinion is that you're more technician than an artisit in this game.

I respect your opinion, but I deeply disagree. The screens show something cool, original, well worked. I had played the game some years ago, so I suppose it wasn't as good as the present version, however the game was quite good, and showed an originality that doesn't let us saying IndependentArt is more a technician than an artist.


we don't care about the technical features

I disagree.


the fact that it's custom doesn't guarantee it's good

Yes, but it still an interesting thing to know for some members, as me. We want to see creation, not just good games. If it was like that each Oniro member would just presents his game and would not care about others games. If we just wanted good and complete games there is Steam for that...

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

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