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Index du forum > Généralités > by anti-freak: [RM2k3 DynRPG Plugin] Pathfinding

Cherry - posté le 15/02/2012 à 22:00:05 (163 messages postés)

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...has his own Fan Club

There is a first submission to the DynRPG contest, which - I think - deserves its own thread:

anti-freak from the German community has submitted the first plugin - a pathfinding plugin using the A* algorithm!

readme.txt a dit:

This DynRPG plugin allows you to use A* pathfinding to move events, i.e. they find their way from one point to another by themselves, even though there might be obstacles in the way.

>>> In the "Pathfinder\Source" folder you can find the source code of this plugin.


1) Make sure the DynRPG patch is installed at your game:
2) Copy the pathfinder.dll file from the DynPlugins folder of the demo project into the DynPlugins folder of your game.


You can use the following commands with the "Comment" function of the RPG Maker:
(NOTE: You can also use the prefix "V" for parameters to read the value from a variable. You can also use more than one "V" prefix.)

@CalcPath Event ID, X, Y, Speed, Frequency, Find nearest spot?
Moves an event to a target point and finds the way automatically.

@CalcPath Speed, Frequency, Find nearest spot?
<Change Event Location> (RPG Maker-Command)
Moves the chosen event to the in "Change Event Location" set coordinates

Event ID: ID of the event which should be moved, or "this" for the current event of "hero" for the hero (without quotes)
X: X coordinate of the target point on the map
Y: Y coordinate of the target point on the map
Speed: Speed of the movement (1 to 6 or "default"(without quotes))
Frequency: Frequency of the movement (1 to 8 or "default"(without quotes))
Find nearest spot?: Either 1 or 0. 1 if the nearest spot should be used in case the target point is not reachable.

@GetCurEventID Variable ID
Stores the ID of the current event into the given variable. For common events the ID is negative.

Demo and source code are included in the download.

Best regards,

Cherry = CherryDT |

kilam1110 - posté le 15/02/2012 à 22:09:09 (9159 messages postés)

❤ 0

OMG ! oO
How does it detect obstacles ? (Ground ID ?)
I'll try it tomorrow, this should be really useful, we've all dreamed of a real pathfinder on 2k3. Nice work from the author. :p

New RPG Maker - Forum traitant du logiciel RPG Maker tout en français ! | SURVIVE V2.5 - Dégommez du zombie !

Cherry - posté le 15/02/2012 à 22:27:12 (163 messages postés)

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...has his own Fan Club

No, nothing about the terrain ID... It uses the same function for obstacle detection which the RPG Maker uses for movements (which includes other events, tile passability settings, phasing mode, etc.)

By the way, how can I "push" a topic at this forum? I wanted to post this submission to my contest thread but it wouldn't let me.

Cherry = CherryDT |

kilam1110 - posté le 15/02/2012 à 23:07:05 (9159 messages postés)

❤ 0

Mmh ok, hope it works fine, thank you.
Use the UP button to push a thread, just under my post.

Edit : I just tried it ; it works perfectly, fantastic ! :bave

New RPG Maker - Forum traitant du logiciel RPG Maker tout en français ! | SURVIVE V2.5 - Dégommez du zombie !

Cherry - posté le 17/02/2012 à 07:31:08 (163 messages postés)

❤ 0

...has his own Fan Club

anti-freak has updated his plugin and added a feature (easier event/tile selection using Set Event Place user interface).

Please re-download! :-)

Cherry = CherryDT |

Index du forum > Généralités > by anti-freak: [RM2k3 DynRPG Plugin] Pathfinding

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