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Index du forum > Jeux terminés > Monster World RPG Version 1.2! (21-08-2021)

Monster World RPG - posté le 28/08/2017 à 22:35:24 (6 messages postés)

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You can download it by visiting its official website:

monsterworldrpg1 AT gmail DOT com

GAME NAME: Monster World RPG
TOOL USED: RpgMaker2003
RELEASE TYPE: full free game (ver. 1.2)
LANGUAGE: english
SIZE: 360MB (zipped)

About Monster World RPG
Monster World RPG is a fan game inspired by the Monster World (Wonder Boy in the US) series, made by SEGA and Westone for Arcade, Sega Master System and Genesis.
It's no a sequel, prequel or remake, but a brand new game in rpg style instead of platform.

The game you can download here is the COMPLETE VERSION, a complex rpg game developed with RpgMaker2003 with many different monsters.

Along with Max, the main hero, there's other five characters, which can be inserted or removed from the team as you wish.
Also there's many sidequests: all of them are kept in a special “book menu”, so you won't forget them.
The main hero also can be customized with different spells, magic weapons, and more.

The full version of the game is only the one you can download form its official website: the other version you can find around the net are old incomplete demos.


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The place is Aqua Kingdom.
The hero of this story, Max, lives in the Valley of Peace near Purapril, the capital.
Since his friend Shion left for Purapril to do his knight duties, Max life got boring.
A morning while hunting in the woods he found a strange creature he never seen before.
Unsure about the creature's "taste" he decided to avoid making it his meal, but keep it as his pet.
Now that he has a "party member" he decide that's time for him to leave the valley for a more exciting life.
He decide to go to Purapril to meet again his friend Shion but while attemping to enter into the city two guards block his way forcing him to travel somewhere else.
Where will Max go now? Will Max be able to enter in town? And what is happening there?
Unbeknowst to him his "adventurous life" has already begun . . .



The hero of the game. He's a fighter, so he won't learn new skills by leveling up. Instead, he gets new skills by learning them from other people, by equipping certain equipment or getting special items.

Pepe is a strange animal that no one knows its species or place of origin. He can only say “pepe”, so Max gave him this name. His species is unknown so he's considered an “odd pet”. Pepe starts with some skills and learn more as his level increases. He can't use any equipment, but only attacking with his claws.

Priscilla is a small fairy from Alsedo, the fairy village. She lives with Eleanora, the fairy queen. Being a fairy she mainly knows healing and assist spells.

Shabo is a death god, wich is actually a species, not a deity. Shabo knows many spells, mainly attack spells but also some assist spells. If used wisely he can be a great ally.

Hotta is a dwarf from Lilypad, the dwarf village. He can't use spells but istead uses special skills. He's a very strong character and can greatly damage the enemies. His only weakness is that he's the slowest character.

Junior is a baby dragon from Begonia. He may be just a baby, but due to his dragon lineage his power is great. He's almost as strong as Hotta and is faster, but has lower resistances and less skills.

MAX TEAM is a two men team composed by:
Massimo - author, storyboarder, chara designer, final tester, main advertiser;
Fernando - main programmer, tiles & faceset designer, music & sound, beta tester, final scripter.
MAX TEAM has also many friends who gave help listed in the credits of the game.

• One thing that I hate of rpgmaker games are the charasets: they are to small and so the characters looks too much unexpressive. So we used the characters slots at their limits and sometimes for bigger characters we used more than a slot.

• In rpg usually you got experience point or buy equipement in order to increase your party stats. This can be entertaining at the beginning, but later it becomes repetitive. For this reason, even if we kept the experience and equipment system, we decided to put in the game a way to customize your hero to give him different skills and map abilities in order to reach different zones (like castlevania or metroid).

• Another weak points of rpgmaker videogames is that being them "free games" there's no manual or other things. Plus they lacks menu that usually are present in professional games. MWRPG has an online guide.

• Last, a common rpg game engine will become rapidly repetitive and unappealing. Due to this MWRPG has many platform elements and minigames.

• In order to advance in the game is more important to find secrets and upgrade items more than levelling up: in this way you have not to waste an entire day in fighting monsters.


Thanks in advance and enjoy our game!!!


Nemau - posté le 28/08/2017 à 23:49:11 (52527 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Nice screens ! And congratulations to have made a full game.

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Verehn - posté le 02/09/2017 à 21:27:05 (9058 messages postés) - honor

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This looks very nice. I'm downloading it. GJ

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

Saphir_Rubis - posté le 07/09/2017 à 04:16:22 (7 messages postés)

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Testeur & Programmeur

Are you going to put it on in french??

Sleeping & Programming

Monster World RPG - posté le 07/09/2017 à 21:24:24 (6 messages postés)

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Saphir_Rubis a dit:

Are you going to put it on in french??

Considering I'm Italian and the programmer is Brasilian, using english for dialogue in such a big game is our maximum effort to make it playable and understandable by most people possible.

in other words: no ;)

Nemau - posté le 16/09/2017 à 23:35:42 (52527 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Hello !


I still have not received a reply or I'm not able to find it.

It's normal, we the staff are quite slow (ok: very slow) to testing games submitted. Don't worry, your game submission is still in the admin board (and judging by the screens I'm pretty sure we will accept it).


Other than that on the website there still featured (outside the forums) the old version of 2010 which can create confusion and I cannot remove that cause I used an old account which I totally forgot password andusername (I also deleted the email account used to register so I believe even with the key words I can no more use that).

No problem, I delete it now (the game page is deleted but the game still appears in one of the three games lists where it was, it's a bug, I will report it to the webmaster).


I also had little problem into identifying the admins and this is the reason I'm writing here other than sending them a private message.

No problem, but if in the future you need it the staff members list is here.

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Monster World RPG - posté le 22/09/2017 à 22:24:54 (6 messages postés)

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I would like to share with you this very complete review of the game by XBuster (author of "Monster World Legends"):

Nemau - posté le 15/11/2017 à 01:52:28 (52527 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Hello, after many procrastination from the staff (shame on us :doute5) your game has been finally accepted !

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

wzackw - posté le 10/02/2018 à 22:38:34 (5 messages postés)

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I like your style a lot - especially those fruits and vegetables for some reason. And the purple sasquatch monster character!! Could you show all the monster character portraits? (Are there more?) Shabo the death god (which I love that it's a species) is also nice! :)

monster world rpg - posté le 23/03/2018 à 21:42:27 (6 messages postés)

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X-Buster interview.

"Hello everyone, today we have a special interview with the creators of Monster World RPG; an incredible fan game and passion project based on the Wonder Boy series created by Ryuichi Nishizawa. We have with us the lead developer; Massimo and the co-developer; Fernando. In honor of the 30th anniversary of Wonder Boy, I will be asking 30 questions based on the game's development(which also includes questions unrelated as well).

Without further ado, let's get started shall we?"

- Continue reading at the following link: "-

monster world rpg - posté le 08/04/2018 à 17:54:30 (6 messages postés)

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The problem might very well be about CLEARTYPE, a technology meant to improve clarity of texts in LCD screens, but it seems to get in conflict with Rpgmaker games.
1-Go to Control Panel and click on Fonts,
2-Go to Adjust ClearType text,
3-Click on “Turn on ClearType” to deactivate it, then click Advance and choose a text format you want (keep in mind the one it was on before).
Your regular computer font might look a bit weird, but you can always go back to activating ClearType and choosing the old format.

Nemau - posté le 10/12/2018 à 18:47:00 (52527 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Congrats ! :3

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Verehn - posté le 10/12/2018 à 19:42:03 (9058 messages postés) - honor

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Great ! GG

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

Nemau - posté le 24/08/2021 à 16:54:17 (52527 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Ok. I will make the change for the game on our site (link). :clindoeil2

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Gari - posté le 13/09/2021 à 12:27:47 (5899 messages postés) - honor

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Le seul problème que je vois au changement de titre du topic c'est qu'on voit plus le titre du jeu... Bon allez, j'édite.

Gg pour l'update sinon !

Monster World RPG - posté le 26/08/2022 à 13:59:39 (6 messages postés)

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Monster World RPG media is now concentrated in its Facebook Official page.

Other old links are no more available.

Follow news about the game here:

Main adverstising post here:

Download link here:

VIDEOS here:

New E-mail:
monsterworldrpg1 AT gmail DOT com

Have fun!

Monster World RPG

Index du forum > Jeux terminés > Monster World RPG Version 1.2! (21-08-2021)

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