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Index du forum > Jeux terminés > DIE2DANCE

calunio - posté le 02/02/2011 à 16:14:00 (36 messages postés)

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This is a game made in 3-4 days, an entry for's contest Weekend Gamemaking Binge Q1. Themes: Disco and Fire!

You're a regular demon. Satan has called you to make the Hell Disco Club a more entertaining place. You must gather the lost soul of dancers in Limbo and bring them to Hell, trying to make the Hell Disco Club more fun. Discipline your dancers and make sure they dance according to the music!

DIE2DANCE is a dancing game, but not really a rythm game. You must program a sequence of moves for each dancer, and make their current dance step match the one required by the song being played. This is a timing puzzle game.

There is no game ending, just a numerical score. You have a limited time to beat each song, and this time is shorter for each following song. Your goal is to make the highest score possible. You lose the game if the timer reaches zero.



mapache - posté le 02/02/2011 à 16:17:14 (3379 messages postés)

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haha it looks really good;)

Ryd - posté le 02/02/2011 à 18:56:43 (326 messages postés)

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Nice :F

zebrot - posté le 02/02/2011 à 19:31:31 (1601 messages postés)

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Troller lvl 1

Yeaaaah why not.
What the version of RM you used for this project?
Coz' if it's 2k3,i just wanna say "bravo" to you ^^

01010011 01110101 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101111 01101001 00100000 00111100 00110011

Ryd - posté le 02/02/2011 à 19:33:57 (326 messages postés)

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Apparemment ça l'est :oO

verehn - posté le 02/02/2011 à 20:29:19 (9058 messages postés) - honor

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Comment vous arrivez à voir du 2k3 ici ? C'est du 544 x 416 pixels. RMVX.

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

calunio - posté le 02/02/2011 à 21:11:21 (36 messages postés)

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Oui, c'est RMVX. :D

Lünn - posté le 02/02/2011 à 22:03:30 (4230 messages postés)

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Funny, even if i dont understand exactly what we can do when the guys are dancing.
They are screaming when i touch them. Sometimes the arrows work, sometimes not.

calunio - posté le 03/02/2011 à 01:33:56 (36 messages postés)

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Well, below the title of the song, there are arrows showing what each dancer must dance. For example, up down up. Means the first dancer must dance up, the second must dance down, and the third must dance up... AT THE SAME TIME.

When you touch a dancer, your demons starts poking the dancer, training him (that's why he screams). Then you must press the arrows you want him to dance... For example, left, right, up. The dancer will dance left right up left right up left right up until you program him again. You need to program all the dancers to make them match the song's request.

LeM - posté le 03/02/2011 à 01:51:17 (639 messages postés)

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Banni dans 3... 2... 1...

j'aime beaucoup le "détail réaliste" entre les deux jambes du diable :F


Ryd - posté le 03/02/2011 à 09:14:38 (326 messages postés)

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Ah j'avais pas vu :D

ericssons - posté le 03/02/2011 à 18:59:59 (1400 messages postés)

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thats look pretty good, why not hu?

En vrai je m'appel Romain.

calunio - posté le 05/02/2011 à 04:03:44 (36 messages postés)

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I've changed the game's main download, now it records your highscores!

Index du forum > Jeux terminés > DIE2DANCE

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