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Index du forum > Entraide > [RpgMaker 2003] I wanna translate my game into French

bulmabriefs144 - posté le 27/04/2021 à 00:35:50 (25 messages postés)

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Weird American Programmer

Domaine concerné: translation
Logiciel utilisé: RpgMaker 2003
Basically that.

I took some Spanish and some French in high school, but I guess I would say "c'est muy malo"?

My game doesn't seem to be what it could be in terms of audience interest, and I suspect it totally doesn't have to do with terrible feature creep, and being a game nobody gets.

I want some help translating this game, but I think what I want most are two things:

- The ability to translate terrible puns from English into French, and still be funny
- Commitment. There's alot of items, status effects, spells (you don't have to mess with the names, variables, or switches) and a lot of common events.

You translate it, and I'll put it in. Don't worry about that part. (The Oracle of Tao one)

What I want to do, ideally, is a sort of variable branch or something, so don't worry about building the thing. I just need something better than Google Translate can give me. But what I might end up doing due to space constraints is just to make a copy game file. This might be harder if I later add or edit something.

(Or will it be too difficult?)


Roi of the Suisse - posté le 27/04/2021 à 09:26:45 (29950 messages postés) - honor -

❤ 1

Chanter l'hyperchleuasme

You can ask your questions here.
For example, write your pun here in english, explain it, and we will find a equivalent pun in french. French people are very good at terrible puns.
If there is some sentence for which you are not sure of the translation, you can also ask.

I'm not sure that you will find someone with enough motivation to translate your game all alone.

L'essentialisme c'est quand ta voiture a un moteur essence. | Es-tu une star ? | Kujira no Hara | Polaris 03 | Planète Glutko

Nemau - posté le 27/04/2021 à 19:55:37 (52516 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Maybe you can use a tool like DeepL to translate your whole game, then find someone speaking french to correct the mistakes (that way it will represents less work for him/her).

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

trotter - posté le 27/04/2021 à 20:09:19 (10600 messages postés)

❤ 1

Check out DreaMaker from King Kadelfek to extract text:

bulmabriefs144 - posté le 27/04/2021 à 21:49:42 (25 messages postés)

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Weird American Programmer

...I'm not so sure about this project.

It's okay, until I account for the technical issues.

1. I have several events that check names. Changing the language will get the names to show correctly, but may break the event. I would need to reconstruct some of these events. For example, I have a season event that checks the name of season (I could have used a variable, but I found it was easier to keep track of things). If I rename Fall as Automne, the event breaks. :doute5 If I don't, it displays wrong. :grah1
2. I could in theory make the game bilingual, having most of the core game mechanisms intact, and just using a variable or something to swap the text. But this would result in hundreds of spells and items remaining untranslated. There's also strings such as shopkeepers or event text before or during battle.
3. No matter what, I have roughly 20 pages of text per battle, and about 780 common events. Many of these events are already so long as to create lag.
4. The maps and such were fine. I was able to make quick progress with them getting translated. But many of the translations involved were pop culture memes that probably don't have an equivalent. Some of the puns are simple to change (I have an item called "Cherry's Pie" which translates almost exactly right into "Tarte aux cerises" or "pie of Cherry". I then say in the description that it is designed by Cherry the programmer (not a pie made of cherries) and that it's actually made of blueberries). But then others are quite literally Youtube memes (A fireball spell has in the description "This hand of mine is burning red! Its loud roar tells me to grasp victory!" Did Gundam even air in France?)

Is anime even a thing in France? Or would some of the pop culture references be completely lost?

5. Editing graphics, yay!!! I have text graphics and such that would require complete retool of many existing pictures.

(Another of my games might actually be able to be translated, though)

Side note: if there is no anime in France, the world is doomed.


bulmabriefs144 - posté le 28/04/2021 à 04:43:49 (25 messages postés)

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Weird American Programmer

I've instead decided to work on another game. Since this one above has too many problems.


So far, I've only gotten through the setup of the menu, then load and save files.





I have a question though. If my game actually has multiple languages, what should I put? The dropdown doesn't help.


Élise - posté le 28/04/2021 à 15:23:16 (242 messages postés)

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bulmabriefs144 a dit:

Is anime even a thing in France? Or would some of the pop culture references be completely lost?


Side note: if there is no anime in France, the world is doomed.

Yes, there is.

Verehn - posté le 29/04/2021 à 00:58:43 (9058 messages postés) - honor

❤ 0


I would advice against trying to translate every pun too literally. Instead, you could specify which texts should include puns, and let each translator figure out which pun could be implemented.


Did Gundam even air in France?

Gundam Wing and Gundam SEED did.


Is anime even a thing in France?

Yes. :D

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

Nemau - posté le 29/04/2021 à 01:45:01 (52516 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener


Is anime even a thing in France?

Too much. :'( xD

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

bulmabriefs144 - posté le 29/04/2021 à 21:12:52 (25 messages postés)

❤ 0

Weird American Programmer

Verehn a dit:

I would advice against trying to translate every pun too literally. Instead, you could specify which texts should include puns, and let every translator figure out which pun could be implemented.


Did Gundam even air in France?

Gundam Wing and Gundam SEED did.


Is anime even a thing in France?

Yes. :D

You didn't get the good Gundam then.

G Gundam is pure cheese.

I think I'm going to translate another game instead, Tales from the Reaper.


bulmabriefs144 - posté le 29/04/2021 à 23:56:51 (25 messages postés)

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Weird American Programmer

But then you won't get the entire playlist...


Nemau - posté le 30/04/2021 à 00:05:36 (52516 messages postés) - honor -

❤ 0

The Inconstant Gardener

You cannot integrate a youtube playlist video on a Oniro post. But you can post the playlist as a link under the video.

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Index du forum > Entraide > [RpgMaker 2003] I wanna translate my game into French

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