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Index du forum > Jeux terminés > [RM2K3] Leo & Leah: A Love Story

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Deacon Batista - posté le 05/03/2011 à 23:23:37 (49 messages postés)

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RM God

s-luv, my sister and my mom love your gams!

This one is awesome, I am just playing it.

|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

Suite du sujet:

Strangeluv - posté le 12/03/2011 à 09:21:18 (8 messages postés)

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AR - posté le 12/03/2011 à 20:30:13 (20 messages postés)

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Un poil barré, quand même.

This game is AWESOME ! Great job !

Candy moutain !!

Strangeluv - posté le 14/03/2011 à 04:21:36 (8 messages postés)

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Merci ^_^

number6406 - posté le 14/03/2011 à 20:27:22 (92 messages postés)

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De retour (et pas pour un mauvais tour!)... Mais pourquoi je dis ça moi -_-

Très Joli jeu :)
Bravo :D

Mew - posté le 14/03/2011 à 20:38:02 (13 messages postés)

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J'ai commencé à jouer au jeu. Je suis au chapitre 3 à date. À date, je trouve le jeu très amusant. La présence de rips ne me dérange pas et je trouve que le jeu a l'air plaisant au total. Les musiques sont excellentes et donnent au jeu une atmosphère intéressante. La seule musique qui m'a déplut fut celle du second big boss.

Immudelki - posté le 20/03/2011 à 00:09:22 (3651 messages postés) - staff -

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Xnivurognien souriant

A wonderful game, really good work on all sides, characters, sound, dialogs..Besides it's nice to see animal as the main characters :)
By the way, thanks for your comment about The Heir of the Techactl on english rpg maker website ;)
The last video is awesome, I love Brandy's determination :D

Mein Topic sur Oniro/Mein site pro/Mein Tumblr/Mein jeu Code Lyoko développé h24 7/7 - "Donnez des oeufs au peuple, il fera des oeufs brouillés" Réu Oniro 12/01/2022

Mew - posté le 20/03/2011 à 02:14:59 (13 messages postés)

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Well, I've beaten the game.

The game was extremely nice. Although it was a bit on the short and sweet side, I will not complain ; for a freeware RPG, it was more than decent to say the least. One of the best games I've played in a while and I really recommend it.

The music is also really good ; the only music track that was really bad/annoying was the second boss one, to say the truth. The music for all of the game except for that was top-notch and the rips seems quite nice. I would have liked to see some edits on some the rips (most notably Leo, whose nose look a bit weird when he's facing left and right and whose attack sprite has a color palette too different from the main sprite) and some of the animation is not properly timed (Leo's victory animation, notably, which slow down oddly when he's at the 'top' of the circle he makes by running around) but apart from that, it was really good.

I liked the Mother 3-styled mix of humor and dark/serious/deep themes. If you wanted to nail the style, you succeeded magnificiently.

I only have one real complaint: the difficulty.

Namely, the difficulty start out relatively hard but in a way, really comfortable. The game wants you to try hard to survive and motivate you to do so. It was quite a challenge bulding up Leo when the start was rough. I also felt that it really helped enforce the 'survival/wild animal' atmosphere of the game earlier on.

However, once you beat the first boss, the challenge go out the window. Simply put, Leo and Daisy grow in power much faster than the enemies does and before long, all I had to do was pull off War Cry once or twice and then hammer the bosses with a dual Maul/enhanced Roll technique and I destroyed every boss in the game within three-four turns. In fact, the only bosses that even guaranteed using items at all past this point was the chapter 4 boss and the final boss.

Furthermore, there is a bug that makes the Apple technique REALLY broken ; if Leo use it and that you make Daisy Roll during the animation, Leo will use Apple a second time without skipping his turn, netting you 4 Survival Points freely. This means that you can spam a duo of Heart (for Leo) and War Cry (for Daisy) almost every turn at no cost, making whatever the enemies do basically irrelevent. Only the fourth chapter boss (because of her very high speed) and the final boss (because of the sheer amount of damage he dish out) come anywhere close to putting the party in danger with that combination.

It must be noted that I did not grind outside of the first area (where I only grinded enough that Leo's level would equal Daisy's). Then, all I did was simply not chicken out of enemy encounters whenever I ran into them.

In short, I think that the game needs its challenge upped a bit. Most notably, I think War Cry either needs to have a much higher failure rate or needs to have a high SP cost. Apple's bug need to be removed and/or its SP gain reduced to compensate for the exploit. Likewise, enemies and bosses really need a HP and speed boost ; the enemies in the first chapter are fine but the enemies are just too weak in later chapters. It's really weird coming to a boss, getting prepped up for a big fight, and killing it within 4 turns with it not doing much.

Despite the above, I'd like to repeat that I found the game to be top-notch. It's just that I wish that the enemies had put up a bit more of a fight.

Strangeluv - posté le 21/03/2011 à 23:16:10 (8 messages postés)

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That's a lot of feedback! Thanks a lot! First of all, thank you for playing. I hope it was a rewarding experience.

I am aware of the lack of difficulty in the game, especially if one abuses War Cry and Heart. The Apple bug seems to be a problem with Rm2K3 than the actual game. There are other exploits like that. To be honest, I never intended to make a difficult game. I aimed for it to be on the easy side. My intention was just not to make a "button masher".

I agree, though, that the balance could use some work, as the game DOES get easier as you go along. And the bosses could have been more challenging. If I release a second version, I will work on that.

But all in all, I guess I was actually concentrating more on story and atmosphere. Thanks a lot for the criticism


Mew - posté le 22/03/2011 à 00:19:23 (13 messages postés)

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Thanks for taking into account my criticism.

I've been dealing with events and if you want Apple and other such techniques to not 'repeat', I recommend you use switches. Namely, instead of the ability being disabled when a turn is ellapsed, the switch turned off is part of the event itself. This will prevent abilities from repeating.

Difficulty-wise, the fact that the game is overall easy is very jarring because chapter 1 is relatively difficult, with enemies and bosses that take off large chunks off your HP while taking a lot of abuse (even with War Cry) before going down.

However, enemy damage and HP does not climb much between chapters while the party level up quickly. This is the big point ; enemies start out burly and intimidating but once you beat the first boss, enemies barely change while Leo and Daisy become stronger by orders of magnitude.

Basically? Enemy damage never really go beyond 10-20 much. This makes for exciting battles early on, when you have 20-40 HP. Battles are decided quickly, regardless of the winner, bringing a sense of satisfaction when you survive a battle. But later on, when you have 120-150 HPs, 10 damage is really just an annoyance, especially with the regenerating SP. Earlier on, Heart doesn't feel so overpowered and items are still needed because that enemy damage is such that they'll inflict damage faster than Leo can heal. But later on, a single Heart use will cancel out several turns worth of enemy attacks.

I recommend you check most playthroughs as well as test the game yourself. Check what stats the party got at each point in the game and adjust the enemy stats accordingly. As a general rule, you'll want the fights to become more difficult and the gap in power between the party and enemies to become smaller in order to create a smooth difficulty curve and a sense of satisfaction both at overcoming worse and worse odds while giving the satisfaction of seeing the party getting stronger.

For the bosses...

The big problem is that most bosses are mostly normal enemies with more HP. Bosses should be epic fights that force the player to strategize better and use up ressources. Think of what different gimmick each boss could have and in what way each boss could be overcome. In a way, think of bosses as puzzles to be solved, with their own attacks and counter-attacks that the player must plan for and counter.

This is also why the chapter 4 boss and the final boss are both more fun and more challenging ; the chapter 4 boss is a duel with the boss having a very high speed, forcing the player to forsake its usual combos. The final boss has a strong party-hitting attack that it will spam relentlessly as well as an insta-death move. Both bosses are also significantly more durable than any other boss in the game.

The more interesting bosses always have gimmicks or special attacks to make themselves more interesting. For example, the Steel Mechagorilla in Mother 3 (an infamously difficult boss), force the player out of its comfort zone by punishing the player with powerful counter-attacks if the player abuse the usual counter against mechanical chimeras. Final Fantasy final bosses, likewise, are prone to throwing Heartless Angel (reduce HP to 1) and Grand Cross (random status problems) at the party. And still in the Mother serie, its final bosses have inexplicable attacks that hit the entire party for non-elemental, shield-ignoring damage.

Also, do not be afraid to boost boss HP ; although a boss that take up a full hour to beat is extreme, a boss should be able to take 6 full turns of all-out offensive at the recommended level and be left standing ; if you're not over-levelled and you tear down bosses in only a few turns, you're doing something wrong.

Of course, that is my opinion ; frankly, I'd love to see the game be a bit harder, so that the gameplay would match the story in terms of how good it is. I also feel that making the game harder would help the atmosphere rather than hinder it ; the hard difficulty earlier on help enforce the 'survival/wild animal' theme and atmosphere, making it really feel like you're helping a little cub survive against bad odds.

If you feel that making the game hard from start to finish might drive off players, then I feel that you could add a difficulty select (namely, an easier mode with the current version's difficulty for those who only want to experience the story and one with the enemy difficulty rebalanced to get a better challenge).

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