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Index du forum > Jeux en développement > DEEP 8(english Demo)

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Nemau - posté le 30/12/2018 à 19:43:39 (52518 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Alkanédon a dit:

Beautiful put with ugly are weird and awful

Thanks Alka for speaking an english worse than mine. :F


Then, you say this :


- completely custom graphics
- high quality artworks made in Blender
- custom battle system with a lot of variety
- custom developing system
- support for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Browser via easyrpg
- jumping-system with timing and flip-funktion
- custom soundtrack
- custom SFX
- elaborate cutscenes
- panty looting

I absolutly don't care about those technicals stuff, if the game suck, that doesn't change anything.

I want to reassure IndependentArt about this : some of us (as me) appreciate when a game is mostly custom.


My opinion is that you're more technician than an artisit in this game.

I respect your opinion, but I deeply disagree. The screens show something cool, original, well worked. I had played the game some years ago, so I suppose it wasn't as good as the present version, however the game was quite good, and showed an originality that doesn't let us saying IndependentArt is more a technician than an artist.


we don't care about the technical features

I disagree.


the fact that it's custom doesn't guarantee it's good

Yes, but it still an interesting thing to know for some members, as me. We want to see creation, not just good games. If it was like that each Oniro member would just presents his game and would not care about others games. If we just wanted good and complete games there is Steam for that...

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Suite du sujet:

independentart - posté le 30/12/2018 à 19:51:19 (16 messages postés)

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Thanks Nemau!
One more comment on the "custom graphics"-"feature". I actually wasn't gonna post a feature list. But in my home forum this has some kind of tradition.
And custom graphics is something that most RM games don't have and it's probably still something, that makes a game stand out from the rest.
But of course I agree, that it doesn't automatically make the game good.

Kenetec - posté le 08/01/2019 à 20:01:53 (13015 messages postés)

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Hey there. :sourire2

I played your demo for more than an hour.
Congratulation, your game is really nice. :sourit

The graphics are unique, I never saw something like this.
I will be honest : some elements are really ... Strange and not pretty, and some are amazing, it's pretty strange ^^.

But your game looks like no other game, and that's good.

The light effects are great.
The animations of the characters are great.
The 3D model are nice (even if the girl is a bit oversexualized i think). :sourire2
The directing is awesome : pictures, ships, effects, it's among the best thing I saw with RPG Maker 2003. :)

Same for the menu and battle system which are really nice.

I can feel that there is a lot of work and talent behind this game.

I stopped at the boss in the Droon Station, because i only had a few battle before, did not trained or bought anything so I was wrecked. :F

I am not sure I will continue, but anyway, this was a great intro, good job. :sourire2

Le Miroir de Philéas (Jeu complet)

independentart - posté le 10/01/2019 à 04:50:45 (16 messages postés)

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Thanks a lot for playing and giving me some feedback!

I admit, that some stuff might look strange, yes, since this has grown over a long time. Some graphics might be replaced, too.

Droon Station Boss:

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)

Hope you find the motivation to play some more. You can also look up the walkthrough in the folder for some advice.

Also be so kind and fill in this survey:

IndependentArt - posté le 04/03/2019 à 21:18:29 (16 messages postés)

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Hey guys,

just wanted to announce that the demo had gotten a slight update.
These are the major changes:

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)

Also I started doing dev streams. Tomorrow Ghabry from will be my guest! Feel free to join and ask him some questions:


Verehn - posté le 05/03/2019 à 18:14:31 (9058 messages postés) - honor

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I played the demo before your update, but I'm not very far into the game. Most of the visuals are good, and I liked the dynamic intro. :) Your complex menus with options I don't fully understand yet have a tendency to scare me though. :goutte

Eldrao ~ PakuPaku ~ Winged Light ~ Ruin ~ Ma galerie ~ LTDAD ~ Don de graphismes plateforme 2D

IndependentArt - posté le 08/03/2019 à 23:20:49 (16 messages postés)

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sorry, for scaring you. ^^
In case you have any specific question, feel free to join our discord:
... or drop me an email:

Solarius - posté le 09/03/2019 à 12:18:30 (326 messages postés)

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Un peu plus à l'ouest...

Hello !

I’m finally done with my testing of your game : I got to the end of the demo ! (Well, the first demo you posted, not the new one, but it doesn’t seem that different). So let’s begin the review !

The title screen is… a bit austere, maybe ? I think that a planet floating in space would be more engaging for the new players...

The introduction is nice. The soldiers following “???” are a really nice touch to the scenery. They had a problem in the 2nd map, where they were stuck somewhere, but even so it is nice to have them.
The tutorials for jumping are nice. It’s not a very intuitive mechanic, so it’s really cool to have a tutorial for getting used to it.

I love all the details put in the graphics. The birds are cute. The black one chasing the pink one is a nice detail ^^
The attack animations are nice too. Not giving the choice of weapon to the player enabled you to represent graphically the weapon in their hand, and that’s very nice. I have to say, I didn’t expect the attack animation to be modified when using the “long distance attack” mod, it was a really good surprise.

I find the sound design pretty good as a whole. The main flow I noticed is that there is no fighting music on the world map, which is a shame. And, it is a detail, but the burning sound of the chimney ends very abruptly. It should be more smooth and regular.
Otherwise, the music is great, especially the boss fight music which is just EPIC (it goes perfectly well with the animations, especially the casting animation).

The universe is cool. Mixing medieval fantasy with science fiction is hard, and the setting you choose manages this really well. Besides, it places the characters in a position of weakness which is very useful for dramaticness.
There is one thing that I find a bit strange, however. Honestly, I highly doubt that a specie like the droons, which is so socially violent (since they abandon their own children to live among trash and eat junks) could reach a level of development sufficient for space expansion. Because, this points towards a very poor life expectancy, many conflicts or permanent war among the specie itself, very few efforts spent on research and knowledge capitalization, and of course lack of financial investments into space expansion.
Well, I’m not a specialist in darwinism and social sciences, but I find it hard to believe they acquired the space travel technology, unless another specie gave it to them.

You exploited all these resources quiet well, because the ambiance is generally pretty good.
I loved the masochistic village for example. It is a ridiculous idea, but you managed to make it scary like an horror movie (well, I had wrongly assumed that the naked statues were some kind of babies or children, which only adds to the creepy feeling ^^)
Regarding narration, I think you found a very good balance between action and character development. The alternation between gameplay phases and character development creates a good rhythm. That may be a bit less true for Chloe, as it is rather difficult to understand her personality (She… seems to be a nymphomaniac, apparently ?). I still don’t know what passion her belua represents (although it seems intentional)

Now about the gameplay. To begin with, it is very convenient to have a “quit game” button. I don’t know how EasyRPG works, but on RPGMaker, there isn’t any, so thank your for this button.
Also, it’s very nice to be able to avoid random combats. I absolutely hate the random encounters of Final Fantasy, so being able to avoid random encounters is nice for the player.

Maybe you should draw an up arrow next to the “fury” text in the combat menu, in order to remember the player that he needs to push the up arrow key. At the beginning, since the “fury” text was displayed on the attack button, I thought it would replace my normal attack, and I was wondering why the fury was not occurring.
I think the difficulty was fine. I don’t like leveling-up, but in your game it was reasonable, so it wasn’t a problem for me. The Mod system really adds some depth to the fights strategies, that’s a cool thing… Unfortunately, I often forgot to equip the right mods for the fight, which is a shame. Maybe if the mod symbol in the menu was a bit more visible, it would be less easy for the player to forget it… But I can be very distracted sometime (most time actually), so maybe it’s just me.
Especially for Active Mods, it would be nice if the PM were only consumed when the mod is actually activated. Take Meling’s Retarder mod for example. If I defend or use a potion while the mod is active, she still spends PMs even though the mod’s effect was not used. It’s not a big deal, but if you can save your player the task to deactivate and reactivate the mod each time, the player will appreciate it.

The Dominator Village was really nice to explore, until… Until this freaking sociopathy pops up from nowhere and kills my Ramirez who had absolutely no way to attack it (aside from his fury, but that’s far from sufficient). So I had to make the village part all over again and it quiet broke immersion for me.
I know it’s supposed to be fought using Ramirez’ distant attack mod, and that the shadow enemies encountered in the village are supposed to hint us that it is a required skill. But to be honest, I find this fight rather bad designed. As I said it pops up from nowhere in an area generally regarded as safe by the player. I knew I had to take the distant attack skill, but I had planned to do it only before the next dungeon.
Maybe you should add an option to load the game just as it was before this encounter, in case of defeat. That would prevent players who save rarely to have a very bad surprise they can see as unfair.

Its attack “Majesty” is also really difficult to understand. First time it struck me, I thought the obvious answer was to resist (because giving in to something that represents suicidal thoughts seems like a bad idea). However, it seems that giving in to Majesty deals less damage than resisting. I assume there is a counterpart, but I can’t figure out what is it.
Same goes for the “Accept course no.2” attack from the Mountain Waiter (which is the weirdest enemy of the game, but… At least he can heal the team, so… it’s fine… I think…)
And, storywise, I really disapprove the fact that “fighting back your social problems” is equal to “fighting an actual monster”. Well, in this particular case, because we are in Leviu, it could be an untamed Belua embodying Ramirez’s passion, so I’m going to accept it. But be careful when using this cliché.

I am kinda disappointed by the final fight with the OP droon (Nelson I think ?). At first I got 3 shot-killed (1 turn killed) because I didn’t take have the right level (aaaaand the right mods equiped, too). After some level-up and a much better strategy, I finally beat the droon… only to discover that this was a defeat nonetheless.
I mean, I’m ok with this “You are supposed to loose the fight” cliché. But it’s frustrating to have a game over for loosing, then loosing the fight, only this time it’s not game over for no reason… Maybe you could improve the scenery to have the droon escape the fight, or Kaiza interrupting the battle before the droon is defeated. That could be much more acceptable by the player, in my opinion.
Also, I don’t really understand why the characters took so long to call for Sabres, it seemed rather obvious to me… And it’s pretty awkward to see the heroes getting KO 2 times (after the droon’s attack and after Kaiza's attack).

So yeah, I think the events order for the ending could be a little better. For example having Kaiza interrupting the combat with the droon, then Ramirez calling for Sabres but Meling not hearing it (or refusing to wait for Sabres, maybe), therefore jumping at the droon’s ship.

Here are a few bugs I found during my playthrough :
- On world map, the screen printed “unknown event” multiple times, with different ids. It happened twice.
- In the soldiers’ quarters, in the castle, if we speak to the soldiers sleeping, we get Chloe’s dialogue even before meeting her. When I saw that the first time, I was like “Why are there 3 girls named Chloe ?! Is it a bug, twin sisters, or magic gone wrong ? :p
- In the house with the big laser canon, when playing with Chloe, if we interact with the “interesting cupboard”, it is still Ramirez speaking !
- When the maid gives us our pay after finishing the laser canon : it is written "2000 del erhalten" instead of "earned" ^^

As a conclusion, even if it’s not perfect, it is a wonderful game you’ve made here. Congratulations !

Il n'y a que deux choses qui sont infinies : La période d'essai gratuite de WinRar et la stupidité humaine. Et encore, pour la première ça changera peut-être un jour.

IndependentArt - posté le 10/03/2019 à 16:40:31 (16 messages postés)

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Honestly, I highly doubt that a specie like the droons, which is so socially violent (since they abandon their own children to live among trash and eat junks) could reach a level of development sufficient for space expansion.

That is correct. And actually they didn't. They got technology from humans, so your guessing was right. :) Not sure, if this information is included in the current demo though.


it would be nice if the PM were only consumed when the mod is actually activated.

Not sure, whether I have thought about this before, but it seems like an interesting idea. However I need to think through this carefully. Sometimes there was a reason for doing stuff in a certain way and I just forgot about it. Thanks.

Sociophobia fight:
It's a bit of a difficult situation, because if you are critically underleveled in Leviu, then you might actually get stuck, if you don't have AP to learn long distance attack. That's why for the full version I'm planning on making it possible to leave Leviu in between events and to be able to level up.

The damage dealt by majesty depends on 2 factors:
1. giving in or not giving in.
It's kind if a reverse logic, I guess, which is admittedly not understandable to the player, so he has to find out by trying. However, the logic is, that sociophobia sort of repesents Ramirez' fear of women and his inability to let them any near to him (that was probably phrased horribly, sorry ^^'). So, not giving in strengthens this issue and thus sociophobia deals more damage. At least for me, this makes kind of sense.
Btw: "Majesty"is named after a beautiful song by Warpaint.
You might say, that not giving in brings him closer to his illness/depression, whatever. Thats way a path emerges and he can reach it without distance attacks (maybe not everyone finds that out, either) and also Ramirez gets angry and his fury bar fills. But, when he uses the chance of attacking directly, hes getting a depression status, too.

So, if you wanna avoid the higher damage, you should give in. Yet, it prevents Sociophobia of being "stunned".

2. it depends on the how many of the 5 "shadows" you defeated. Every one of them makes it 10% stronger.

Also sorry, that you were surprised by the battle. I know it's a common strategy to design battles sort of "non destructive", so you could just try a battle again, when you lose. Although it seems to be sort of state of the art and would be easy to implement, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I've already removed save points, which I don't regret at all. But is a certain element of danger or suprise not what we want in a game? Guess, it's a question of what's your philosophy.

Thank you so much for your detailed feedback and especially the bug reports. :) It's really warming my heart and highly motivates me.

Solarius - posté le 17/03/2019 à 18:13:32 (326 messages postés)

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Un peu plus à l'ouest...

IndependentArt a dit:

1. giving in or not giving in.
You might say, that not giving in brings him closer to his illness/depression, whatever. Thats way a path emerges and he can reach it without distance attacks (maybe not everyone finds that out, either) and also Ramirez gets angry and his fury bar fills. But, when he uses the chance of attacking directly, hes getting a depression status, too.

So, if you wanna avoid the higher damage, you should give in. Yet, it prevents Sociophobia of being "stunned".

Ok. I didn't understand what was the counterpart of giving in ^^


Also sorry, that you were surprised by the battle. I know it's a common strategy to design battles sort of "non destructive", so you could just try a battle again, when you lose. Although it seems to be sort of state of the art and would be easy to implement, I'm not sure how I feel about it.

I know that when I explore a village, I hardly save at all. The only save I made was just after arriving into the village, and it was not even a "safety" save, it was just because I had to exit the game. If I hadn't needed to exit the game, I would have had to go once again through Vagnus' dialogue and everything ^^
So maybe not a "non destructive battle" then, but at least an NPC speaking about the dangers of untamed beluas near the village, or something like that ?

Anyway, I'm glad this was useful to you !

Il n'y a que deux choses qui sont infinies : La période d'essai gratuite de WinRar et la stupidité humaine. Et encore, pour la première ça changera peut-être un jour.

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