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Index du forum > La Taverne > Un joyeux Noël de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique

Duque - posté le 06/12/2022 à 20:23:34 (28 messages postés)

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Désolé pour la grammaire. Je ne parle toujours pas français.

Bonjour gars! Comment vas-tu?

[Désolé pour mon français >.<]

Peut-être que certaines personnes mont déjà vu par ici, je ne participe pas. Je suis administrateur du forum brésilien Centro RPG Maker. Les choses ne vont pas bien là-bas depuis un certain temps. Très peu de mouvement dans les communautés. Sur notre forum, nous avons un post régulier intitulé Capture décran de la semaine. Il nest pas rare que je vienne ici pour voir les projets et les partager là-bas. (Bien sûr, avec des liens vers le sujet dici, le profil de lauteur du projet et tout le reste.)

Aujourd hui, je poste juste pour vous remercier de garder la communauté vivante et active. Bon Noël à tous et bonnes fêtes. :)

Projet de domination du monde: Pandora Projet pour le plaisir: A Hero With a Thousand Faces

Falco - posté le 06/12/2022 à 20:39:11 (19589 messages postés)

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Indie game Developer

Hey! Very nice from you! :)
Just wondering, can you explain why the Bresilian community is slowly dying? Forum less interesting (Hello Discord, fucking forum killer), RPG Maker less interesting then before? others things?
It's interesting to ask, here we don't really feel a decrease in activity, even if it's something that could happen in the future, I guess.

Joyeux Noel!

Inexistence Rebirth - Inexistence - Portfolio

Duque - posté le 06/12/2022 à 20:50:35 (28 messages postés)

❤ 1

Désolé pour la grammaire. Je ne parle toujours pas français.

Hi Falco!

It's mostly because of Discord. We even had to create a channel, but you know how we can't organize a community on it the same way as on the forums. New projects are rare. People don't even post resources and systems anymore, most creators have migrated to I understand their side. They've grown up, they're adults with bills to pay and they need to earn something from their creations. But we have very few new members.

The low movement ends up affecting the interest in the forum. It's no use creating events and contests if no one is going to participate. But I'm glad to hear that things are normal here. o/

Projet de domination du monde: Pandora Projet pour le plaisir: A Hero With a Thousand Faces

Coda - posté le 06/12/2022 à 22:10:29 (1434 messages postés) -

❤ 0

Hello Duque,
I think the reason why Oniromancie is still around is mostly because of Sylvanor and Aedemphia. I feel like it's still the main draw around here although I might be wrong, this is pure speculation. Also, some regular members have always sort of stuck around and who are very active (like Nemau and a few others).

I'm also under the impression that RPG Maker has been outclassed compared to other alternatives and couldn't remain competitive.

Sylvanor - posté le 06/12/2022 à 22:52:33 (24655 messages postés) - webmaster

❤ 0

Le gars chiant qui rigole jamais (il paraît)


they're adults with bills to pay and they need to earn something from their creations

Not necessarily.
They just can have a job like all the other people and continue to create only for their pleasure and passion.
Quite sad if everybody starts to ask money for anything, even for what they are doing during their spare time.

By the way, nice to see you around, we wish you a great festive period for the end of the year. :)

Les croissants croâssent en croix, s'ancrent ou à cent croîssent sans crocs à sang. Crois! Sens! ౡ

Duque - posté le 06/12/2022 à 22:53:18 (28 messages postés)

❤ 0

Désolé pour la grammaire. Je ne parle toujours pas français.

Hey, Coda! o/

Aedemphia deserves all the attention it gets. xD
I have to admit that our team has some guilt in this too. I'm the only member still going to the forum and trying to do something. As for RPG Maker, I agree. Eventually the engine will stay with the older guys (we :v ), for nostalgia.

That's a problem, Sylvanor. It's a mindset that grew out of forums. Now that people are just on generic social media and the like, I don't know if this type of thing will happen again. I hope I'm wrong. And thanks. <3

Projet de domination du monde: Pandora Projet pour le plaisir: A Hero With a Thousand Faces

Falco - posté le 07/12/2022 à 10:48:51 (19589 messages postés)

❤ 0

Indie game Developer


Not necessarily.
They just can have a job like all the other people and continue to create only for their pleasure and passion.
Quite sad if everybody starts to ask money for anything, even for what they are doing during their spare time.

Correct me Duque if I'm saying something wrong, I'm not a expert, but I think that it's more complicate to have a decent life in Brazil than in France, the cost of living is high, and salaries are low, it would be hypocritical to ask them to give up a potential additional source of income... it can be hard even for us, and we're pretty lucky living in France, so I can't imagine for people living in country where it's a bit more complicate.

Inexistence Rebirth - Inexistence - Portfolio

Duque - posté le 07/12/2022 à 11:33:50 (28 messages postés)

❤ 0

Désolé pour la grammaire. Je ne parle toujours pas français.

I can't deny it haha. But we (who have internet and time to develop games) are in a relatively good position compared to other regions of the country. People who are in worse situations, unfortunately, would not even have that time. :(

Projet de domination du monde: Pandora Projet pour le plaisir: A Hero With a Thousand Faces

Index du forum > La Taverne > Un joyeux Noël de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique

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