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Index du forum > Scripts > [RPG Maker 2003 1.08] Liste de plugins DynRPG

bulmabriefs144 - posté le 29/03/2021 à 06:36:47 (25 messages postés)

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Weird American Programmer

(Maybe sticky this thread?)

I wanna make a place where people post DynRPG scripts all in one place.
There used to be a spot like that in (but then I got banned, and I basically can only see the site if I use a VPN :avert1 ). So the idea is to try to have very limited conversation in between, and make a sort of library of DynRPG codes.

Currently, I just have stuff I made or was directly involved in, offhand.

(MessageExtender2b uses \a to about \w to extend Previous versions had less commands, or broke if you used \$ because it was missing code for that. I have no idea what to do with \x onward, and I think there used to be \x but it was overwritten)

(This is a two-pack containing the advanced_math and KazString dlls. Advanced_math basically lets you do percent code, formulas with two or three values/variables (the idea being to save lines), squares and roots. I drew the line at log, sine, cosine, tangent. I hate calculus and trig, and I honestly dunno when you'd use them.
KazString does a number of small but really powerful tasks using onComment commands. The original idea was something that Kazesui worked with me to create, which was basically passing Item, Skill, and Condition into a name. Then I figured out how to pass to switches and variables, so I made a bunch of internal variables, but most of these "mystery variables" I dummied out. But I did have the ability to store values into an array (handy for treasure chests), and the ability to compare two names. File_Control was also originally part of the code, before I split this off)

(These are two patches that I requested of Cherry and such. The first was a modification of another plugin that animated monsters. The problem was that basically all monsters had to be given frames or the program would crash. For someone who only wanted to animate bosses, this was no good, so I asked for a file that would check The second checked for the presence of a save file. This helped me build a better AEP menu.)

(FileControl basically uses C++ filestreaming to create a text file. What for, you ask? Well, you can scan for either the content of the file (allowing you to scan for stuff like open chests) or the file itself (by checking whether the file is good), allowing you to make deletable global strings usable as flags for events. For instance, I used this for an extras menu option, and a GamePlus mode. The value is mostly independent of saves too. Although, it's a bit rough, so I'll probably work on it later)

That's all for now, but maybe it'll inspire other people to post.


Gari - posté le 29/03/2021 à 10:11:02 (5899 messages postés) - honor

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If you want to post a list of plugins, you can do it here.
However, since the plugin is not official and less likely to be used/recommended, I won't sticky it (the title is clear enough to be easily found, though).

I already updated Cherry's main post to add links to plugins :

However, if you have an easy way to search plugins through (the list of stuff has not been updated since 2012?), it would be useful to sort all this stuff.

If you want to host Dyn (or other) plugins on the site, you can do it too. I would just ask, if you're not the author, that you ask for permission to the programmer first, else it will just get denied eventually.

Pour ceux que ça intéresse :

MessageExtender2b : ajoute des balises codes pour les boîtes de dialogue, de \a à \w.

KazString3b : Contient deux packs avec les dll advanced_math et KazString dlls.
Advanced_math permet de faire des pourcentages, racines, exposants, sinus, cosinus, tangentes, ou des formules avec trois valeurs/variables pour économiser des lignes.
KazString s'utilise avec la commande Comment. Avec Kazesui, l'idée était de lier les classes Item, Skill et Condition à un nom. Permet de stocker des valeurs dans une array, et de comparer deux noms.

Requested Patches : des requêtes faites à Cherry. Le premier est la modification d'un plugin pour animer des monstres (tous les monstres devaient avoir des frames). Le second vérifie la présence d'une sauvegarde.

FileControl utilise C++ pour créer un fichier texte. Permet de faire des vérifcations ou des variables globales effacables pour des événements. Fonctionne indépendemment des sauvegardes. Encore en développement.

Roi of the Suisse - posté le 29/03/2021 à 10:20:28 (29943 messages postés) - honor -

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Chanter l'hyperchleuasme

Au début je me suis dit : "ça y est, il vont encore nous parler des bienfaits de NordVPN" :lol

L'essentialisme c'est quand ta voiture a un moteur essence. | Es-tu une star ? | Kujira no Hara | Polaris 03 | Planète Glutko

Gari - posté le 29/03/2021 à 10:23:54 (5899 messages postés) - honor

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Non, c'est un vrai membre (connais un peu).

bulmabriefs144 - posté le 29/03/2021 à 19:10:34 (25 messages postés)

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Weird American Programmer

I find it interesting that it actually translated my title into French.

Yeah, I speak very little French (using a Google-based page translator), beyond what I learned from high school (since I've graduated college over 15 years ago, that is not much good).



If you want to post a list of plugins, you can do it here.
However, since the plugin is not official and less likely to be used/recommended, I won't sticky it (the title is clear enough to be easily found, though).

I already updated Cherry's main post to add links to plugins :

However, if you have an easy way to search plugins through (the list of stuff has not been updated since 2012?), it would be useful to sort all this stuff.

If you want to host Dyn (or other) plugins on the site, you can do it too. I would just ask, if you're not the author, that you ask for permission to the programmer first, else it will just get denied eventually.

For the most part, the only one that wasn't strictly my stuff was the RequestedPatches one. It was two of my favorite plugins, that I personally asked for. The rest here is stuff that I made myself. I would figure this list is from people who want to post their own stuff (assuming they have not already just used the Resources to post plugins there).

I wouldn't know where to start with CherryTree. It seems to be a bit of a mess to navigate. I currently use CherryShare, which is really just as big a mess, because it basically involves you making links to your own uploads and there doesn't seem to be a way to search for PepsiOtaku's plugins for example.

I think part of the problem is there is a list of a number of plugins (the vast majority seem to be from AubreyTheBard, Cherry, PepsiOtaku of, but there are a few from ) but as you say, without the author's permission, they cannot really be posted. The other problem is... nvm, I found it. Plugins are under Programs not Scripts. And the other problem being that I don't speak enough French and can't find my way around the site easily. :doute5

It appears you mistranslated me too, though, so I suppose there's some of that going around.

Ummmm... referring to Google Translate here...


Gari - posté le 29/03/2021 à 19:19:05 (5899 messages postés) - honor

❤ 0

Actually, it was easy to compile a list with probably most of Pepsi stuff, since he posted it in RMN: (le petit Nemau au fond de la classe sera prié de se taire).

It would be quite uneasy to ask for Cherrytree, since this site provides private hosting alsong as the content fits the rules. So you would need Cherry's approval (not the hardest part), but also all of contributors approval to get a list of plugins.
Also, another thing to consider is the three versions of Dyn, which all have their specifications. Not all plugins are working on all versions, and not all are usefull for all of them. It would add considerable documentation work to file plugins to be either useful/working for one, two or three versions.

The translation wasn't automatic, I just modified the title.
Programs are programs, which would be rm2003. Patches/Plugins are more scripts to me. Forgive this old file for not being too well organized. :doute5

bulmabriefs144 - posté le 29/03/2021 à 20:56:33 (25 messages postés)

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Weird American Programmer

Yeah, I'm not sure about most of the other stuff, but it appears you said that advanced_math handles sines, cosines, and tangents. What I tried to say was that I did two or three variable formulas, percents, roots, and exponents, but not sine, cosine, and tangent. That was what I meant about mistranslate. To be fair, I think I used some English-only expressions.

Mind if I toy with that .ods some? I know who made the two programs you're not sure about.
(Also, the descriptions are difficult to read, so I'm gonna word wrap them some)
And tbh, I only worked on one of the KazString plugins with Kazesui. The second is entirely me (I need to edit that...)


Nemau - posté le 29/03/2021 à 20:58:22 (52480 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

bulmabriefs144 > on Oniromancie you can speak in english, it's ok, I think most of our members will understand you. :clindoeil2


(le petit Nemau au fond de la classe sera prié de se taire)

Hein heu de quoi ? :doute2 (tu veux que j'uploade le truc sur le FTP ?)

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

bulmabriefs144 - posté le 29/03/2021 à 23:14:35 (25 messages postés)

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Weird American Programmer

This is the ODS that I came up with after revision.
The authors were better credited, and I got the description to actually fit properly in word wrap.

I think this is good, unless anyone adds any updates.


Gari - posté le 30/03/2021 à 19:26:18 (5899 messages postés) - honor

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Your presentation is very clean, but it was not really easy to add filters. I added some filters, plugins with infos I could find and text is better inserted in the description cases:
I'm unsure all plugins are public since some don't have authors, maybe some are kaine's edits.
I think that will be all for my side, unless I find the faith to check Cherry's suggestions further :

bulmabriefs144 - posté le 12/04/2021 à 19:00:08 (25 messages postés)

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Weird American Programmer

I think my issue with that was the "text running off the page and/or getting eaten" thing.

But if you're happy with it, that's fine I guess.


Cherry - posté le 08/06/2021 à 14:41:09 (163 messages postés)

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...has his own Fan Club

I appreciate your effort, bulmabriefs144!

Just to avoid some confusion though: Cherry Tree was my main homepage which is essentially an archived blog now and isn't receiving updates. CherryShare is the filehoster which is alive and well and you are all welcome to use it, and with its remake half a year ago it migrated from a subdomain inside Cherry Tree ( to its own domain (

Cherry = CherryDT |

Nemau - posté le 08/06/2021 à 16:41:17 (52480 messages postés) - honor -

❤ 0

The Inconstant Gardener

OMG Cherry ! Cherry we liebe dich !

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Gari - posté le 08/06/2021 à 16:50:35 (5899 messages postés) - honor

❤ 0

Wir lieben dich*

Em. Pour le site host de Cherry, certains jeux rm français sont dessus je crois (Les Terres Lointaines étaient dessus). C'est assez cool pour le partage de plugin dyn, par contre pour trouver dans le site c'est impossible (c'est juste un espace de stockage). ^^'

Nemau - posté le 08/06/2021 à 18:07:57 (52480 messages postés) - honor -

❤ 0

The Inconstant Gardener


Wir lieben dich*

Sensucht du hast fusball kartoffel.:king

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Cherry - posté le 08/06/2021 à 19:02:45 (163 messages postés)

❤ 4

...has his own Fan Club

Nemau a dit:

Sensucht du hast fusball kartoffel.:king

Nemau (Français) a dit:

Envie d'avoir des patates de football.:king (avec des fautes d'orthographe)

Oui oui fromage baguette...???


Cherry = CherryDT |

Tassle - posté le 08/06/2021 à 20:30:33 (5241 messages postés)

❤ 0

Disciple de Pythagolf

Moi j'aime bien "Ach du Achenbecherfrauenfurz!". Mein Lieblingssatz, wenn ich so tue als würde ich jemanden auf Deutsch beleidigen :F


Nemau - posté le 09/06/2021 à 12:44:44 (52480 messages postés) - honor -

❤ 0

The Inconstant Gardener

The few german words I know came from Rammstein and the 2WW, not very useful. :pense

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Index du forum > Scripts > [RPG Maker 2003 1.08] Liste de plugins DynRPG

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