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Index du forum > Entraide > [RESOLU] [RpgMaker2003] Tilesets modernes

bulmabriefs144 - posté le 24/06/2022 à 16:50:53 (25 messages postés)

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Weird American Programmer

Domaine concerné: Tileset
Logiciel utilisé: RpgMaker2003
I'm making a 3D platformer Ninja Gaiden trilogy (and yes, I've imported a couple dozen movie files using Bandicam, lowering the resolution to RpgMaker friendly 320 x 240 scale).




(Ryu getting his dad's letter and the Dragon Sword from the wall. I decided to cut the first scene into the duel, and what I could easily do without a movie)

(This isn't in the original game! You can invite Ayane, so battles are a bit easier)

The game will have timers, and be a sort of mashup of puzzles, platforming elements (different from the original, in that it uses 3D motion), and team fighting. The idea is that the main stages have the ability to "assassinate" creatures by striking first, or battle creatures by touching them, or do stealth mode by avoiding all creatures. At the end of the stage, your speed of completion, enemies killed or battled, and whether you completed a stealth mission totals up to points, which in turn either gain experience (battles themselves yield no experience until the stage is done) or gold to buy upgraded weapons.



The game is based on the NES Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, but there are added characters from the newer games (Ayane and Kureha).

I have tested a tutorial stage and gotten the timer to work, an invincibility flame item to work, a creature time stop to work (both of these items use a second timer, so they are probably mutually exclusive without glitching though). I've also managed to find some enemy sprites which I'm in the process of refitting to monster and charset files. I've got Backdrop files for boss battles. I could probably even recreate the cutscenes if I wanted to save space (because these movies are taking up ALOT of space).

I've toyed with this idea before, but I've never really gotten this far.

The problem? Well, mapping of course. Specifically, I need maps preferably ones with a lot of objects to bounce from. I currently have future cities and forest and mountain stuff, but no modern cities and nothing really suitable for the demon/techno aesthetic of Ninja Gaiden. And I have no midair objects like long signposts. I suppose I could snapshot some of the stages, and rework things. But I'm already getting worn out.


bulmabriefs144 - posté le 29/06/2022 à 20:59:12 (25 messages postés)

❤ 0

Weird American Programmer

Nevermind. I think I got a workaround.

There is apparently a real Ninja Gaiden NES fanbase, so alot of the maps are posted. I figured out how to extract some of the platforms into rpgmaker chipsets.


Index du forum > Entraide > [RESOLU] [RpgMaker2003] Tilesets modernes

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