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Index du forum > Scripts > [RM2003 1.08] DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK (topic officiel)

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cherry - posté le 07/02/2012 à 15:47:49 (163 messages postés)

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...has his own Fan Club

@gaetz: Maybe some of them. But I don't think it's necessary. "Native" patches are actually a bit faster than plugins.

@trotter: Remove the two sample files which are created when you create the project.

And don't forget to add the library: Go to project -> project options -> parameters and add "-ldynrpg" to the very right box.

@Ayoras: No, sorry, not yet. But we may create something which automatically animated pictures or so.

@Sylvanor: I will keep that in mind and add an onPanoramaDrawn handler in the next version so that you may draw your own stuff there.

Cherry = CherryDT |

Suite du sujet:

trotter - posté le 07/02/2012 à 16:05:56 (10889 messages postés) - staff

❤ 0

Works perfectly, thanks!

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)

On a side note (it's not related to your work), I have an error if I put the are_you_sure file in C:\RPG Maker 2003\Projets\Les anciens RTP test patch\DynPlugins :
C:\Dev-Cpp\ [Build Error] No rule to make target `"../RPG', needed by `hellocherry2.dll'. Stop.
I think the space in namepath is the problem, no error if I put it in C:/ or another path with space in it (C:\Dev-Cpp).

The DynRPG logo is a bit confusing, maybe you can add a little "powered by" on top.

Captain Ginyu - posté le 07/02/2012 à 16:09:46 (316 messages postés)

❤ 0

Awesome work indeed. Congratulations !
I think more people will be interested in working with Rpgmaker since there is a new world of possibilities open to them now ! :sourire2

Un site d'histoire :

ThrillerProd - posté le 07/02/2012 à 17:17:38 (1121 messages postés)

❤ 0

Woow Wow wow wow, i'm not an C++ expert, but I still wait awesome extension !

Actinium Studio : Youtube / (Rm2k3)(A-Rpg) Acsiosa

kilam1110 - posté le 07/02/2012 à 17:55:12 (9159 messages postés)

❤ 0

Don't know if it is implemented ; but what about executing c++ code with the Insert Comment event ?

New RPG Maker - Forum traitant du logiciel RPG Maker tout en français ! | SURVIVE V2.5 - Dégommez du zombie !

S4suk3 - posté le 07/02/2012 à 19:12:44 (555 messages postés)

❤ 0


J'ai commencé, c'est très bien documenté ! Dommage que ce soit du C++ !

Kaila- - posté le 07/02/2012 à 19:17:33 (93 messages postés)

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Hmmm ?

Le plus dur sera de trouver des gens prêts à se péter la rondelle avec du C++ pour faire des trucs intéressants et fonctionnels pour les beaux yeux de nos amis qui NEM PA LAY SQRIPTE...

Rule 90

S4suk3 - posté le 07/02/2012 à 19:19:26 (555 messages postés)

❤ 0


Il ne serait pas possible d'embarquer un langage plus agréable à utiliser comme Io (très embarquable) ? (je dis peut être une absurdité).

Cherry - posté le 07/02/2012 à 22:39:22 (163 messages postés)

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...has his own Fan Club

@trotter: I added this info to the getting started section and I also added the "Powered by".
@kilam1110: Don't mix compiled C++ (as used here) and some C++ "scripting" version!

@all: There was an update, please download and patch again! See (there was also a small bug fixed)

Cherry = CherryDT |

kilam1110 - posté le 07/02/2012 à 22:43:58 (9159 messages postés)

❤ 0

Hum yes, so is there a 'scripted' version of C++ implemented ? :D

New RPG Maker - Forum traitant du logiciel RPG Maker tout en français ! | SURVIVE V2.5 - Dégommez du zombie !

Cherry - posté le 07/02/2012 à 23:04:46 (163 messages postés)

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...has his own Fan Club

Simple answer: No.
Extensive answer: No, because a) ANY kind of scripting language would probably be too slow for use in events so that the game would lag, b) You wouldn't be able to use the SDK (it needs to be compiled) so you would need to create some "wrapper" which forwards each and every part of the SDK, its classes, methods, etc. to the scripting language. Forget it. :-)

Well, maybe in a more limited way it would be possible (e.g. using Lua just for providing a convienient way for calculating with variables), but I am afraid everything else wouldn't work very fast or just be too much effort.

Cherry = CherryDT |

S4suk3 - posté le 08/02/2012 à 05:26:54 (555 messages postés)

❤ 0


It's understanding but sad... C++ 's a verry ugly language...

ixsuixwzone - posté le 08/02/2012 à 07:16:46 (2453 messages postés)

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Very good work, but the knowing persons C ++ do not use RM2K.
Because if we know how to use C ++ we can already make independent engine (what I try to make since i form in C ++ but has every time I miss ^^)

(Ouais je sais mon anglais est aussi nul que mon français mais bon ^^)

| Âmes Bannies - Demo 0.2 |

cherry - posté le 08/02/2012 à 12:13:07 (163 messages postés)

❤ 0

...has his own Fan Club

Well, if nobody else does it, there will still be ME who is creating plugins for YOU. Just like patches, but easier and more powerful :)

Cherry = CherryDT |

Sylvanor - posté le 08/02/2012 à 12:58:47 (24890 messages postés) - webmaster

❤ 0

Le gars chiant qui rigole jamais (il paraît)


Because if we know how to use C ++ we can already make independent engine (what I try to make since i form in C ++ but has every time I miss ^^)

Not sure.
You may know C++ but not be ready to work enough to create your own engine. Creating an engine is a very, very long task. And after the engine you still have to create the game or maybe before the software to make the game. And all of this has to be stable / without bugs.

I think many people know programmation languages but use softwares like RM (ok, probably more powerful than RM2003) because it's easier.

Like the others I don't know people who know C++ and keep using RM2003 but people like this could exist and probably exist in some foreign communities.

Les croissants croâssent en croix, s'ancrent ou à cent croîssent sans crocs à sang. Crois! Sens! ౡ

Rockmik - posté le 08/02/2012 à 13:25:36 (12689 messages postés)

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En ligne

320x240 is awesome for my Minitel.

Les ramens, c'est délicieux.

S4suk3 - posté le 08/02/2012 à 14:31:27 (555 messages postés)

❤ 0


I try it. it's cool.
GoodGame !

Fistandantilus - posté le 08/02/2012 à 18:08:06 (6239 messages postés)

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[base d'avatar par Mael - merci m'sieur :) ]

Poor, porr RPG Maker... he only wanted to be used to make a handfull of modest, simple games, and then you came. You didn't kill it, no... You violated it. You spilled its guts. You put its organs under a microscope, just to see how it works. You put everything back in, and you modified it. You added leggs, you added arms. You stripped it naked, so that anyone can play Frankenstein, just like you do.
And, for all that time, while you were playing within it, you made it watch. You kept sure it realised the abomination it was becoming. Cherry, you're a monster.

Yet, we praise you for what you did, to the point where might even be worshipping you.
Maybe, deep inside, we're all spawns of chaos, driven by the exitement of tormenting innocent software...

Cherry - posté le 11/02/2012 à 21:07:55 (163 messages postés)

❤ 0

...has his own Fan Club

@All: Please update your SDK! I fixed a critical bug: some functions would randomly crash depending on the compiler optimizations.

And there is also now the first "official" plugin of mine, a keyboard and mouse input plugin:

By the way, I now recommend Code::Blocks as IDE and added a step-by-step tutorial at the Getting Started section.

Cherry = CherryDT |

maws - posté le 13/02/2012 à 21:32:22 (2853 messages postés)

❤ 0

Is it possible to make all type of plugin, like your patch which skip the title screen ?

Cherry - posté le 13/02/2012 à 22:16:02 (163 messages postés)

❤ 0

...has his own Fan Club

Yes and no.

Yes because you can basically do anything (by writing to certain memory addresses - same thing a patch does, but not on the harddisk but in memory instead).

No because for some things (like skipping the title screen) there is no "documented", "nicely looking" way to do it.

(Of course, there would be a very unprofessional, but documented way:

Portion de code : Tout sélectionner

void onFrame(RPG::Scene scene) {
    if(scene == RPG::SCENE_TITLE) {
        keybd_event(VK_RETURN, 0, 0, 0);
        keybd_event(VK_RETURN, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);

...which would basically send "Enter" keypresses all the time the title screen is active. Of course this would have exactly the same issues as the first "auto-enter patch", as it was called, had - the one made by Miroku.)

Cherry = CherryDT |

Gaetz - posté le 14/02/2012 à 15:21:22 (2395 messages postés)

❤ 0


Would it be possible to change the Rm2k3 resolution with a plugin ? Going from 320*240 to 640*480 at least ?

Lije : démo 0.5 | Powered by Geex

Sylvanor - posté le 14/02/2012 à 15:35:18 (24890 messages postés) - webmaster

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Le gars chiant qui rigole jamais (il paraît)

Is it possible to use your DynRPG plugin SDK with a game which already has an altered RPG_RT.exe, for example my RPG_RT.exe has been modified by your patches (skipping the title screen, the pictures who continue tu move during a dialog, etc) ?
Can I use it and modify it with DynRPG?

Les croissants croâssent en croix, s'ancrent ou à cent croîssent sans crocs à sang. Crois! Sens! ౡ

Cherry - posté le 14/02/2012 à 16:14:07 (163 messages postés)

❤ 0

...has his own Fan Club

@Gaetz: No, sorry... apart from the fact that there is no documented way, there are HUNDREDS of places where the RPG Maker code assumes this resolution that it's practically impossible to find them all and change them all in a proper way.

@Sylvanor: Of course. Documentation says "should work with most of the other patches for 1.08" which means it SHOULD work but I haven't tested each and every one of them and combinations of them :-)

By the way, with "not documented" I mean stuff like this:

Portion de code : Tout sélectionner

*reinterpret_cast<short *>(0x48FA57) = 0x9090;

For example, this line, if you put it in your onStartup handler, would make the game always start in windowed mode.

On the opposite, "documented" means using classes and functions which are provided by the DynRPG SDK. (Of course, the DynRPG library internally also does it the "undocumented" way, since there is no "official Enterbrain-made way").

Cherry = CherryDT |

Gaetz - posté le 14/02/2012 à 16:17:51 (2395 messages postés)

❤ 0


Ok Cherry, too bad but thanks. I guess we'll have to develop a xml export plugin to be able to give Aëdemphia a proper resolution.

Lije : démo 0.5 | Powered by Geex

Cherry - posté le 14/02/2012 à 16:18:26 (163 messages postés)

❤ 0

...has his own Fan Club

I am not sure what you mean...

Cherry = CherryDT |

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Index du forum > Scripts > [RM2003 1.08] DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK (topic officiel)

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