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Index du forum > Jeux terminés > Skydancer - A post atomic tale

uran - posté le 09/05/2020 à 09:12:56 (2 messages postés)

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Hello everybody! I wanted to show you 6 years of hard-work, I mean my RPG-game called Skydancer. The game is out now!

Skydancer differs from the usual stereotypes of the classic JRPG. No crystals No evocations, No Magic. SkyD is Set in a hypothetical post-atomic Japan in the year 2104 in a dystopian future where anarchy reigns. The island is full of destroyed villages (do you like fist of the north star\Hokuto no ken? Well Skydancer is the perfect game for you) with just one civilized metropolis called:Neo Tokyo ruled by a self-proclaimed emperor: Seijuro Godha, who easily obtained the consent of its inhabitants with a promise to restore the island to its original pre-war splendor through a precisely very ambitious reconstruction project called: Eden Prime.

You will play as a Tatsuke Sanji, some kind of future samurai stereotype equipped with a futuristic version of a lightsaber and a mecha arm, along with Shin Tanaka, a fearsome master of a deadly martial art that involves the use of Ki's energy to hit his opponents: the "Denryoku jutsu". Their stories, initially unconnected will intertwine giving rise to what is the main plot of Skydancer.

The battle system provides many features such as the innovative use of the directional keys in combat, to create more powerful combos to hit more times the selected enemy and causing more damage in a single turn; a level up system "chessboard like" (very similar to one seen in final fantasy x) a completely custom menu and many other features minutely described in the tutorial of the game (protoshell system, fatality system to get more exp in battle etc ...).


P.S. The game lang is only ENGLISH. I have translated it from italian, because I really think that the game deserved to be international hahaha. Anyway, if you want to translate it in French or other languages, just do it.
Still, some of the voices remained in "italian" because I haven't found any english actor.

Hope you enjoy it. Feedback are welcome :°D bye!


Nemau - posté le 09/05/2020 à 13:17:14 (52527 messages postés) - honor -

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The Inconstant Gardener

Hello! Looks very nice, great job.

Quel RPG Maker choisir ?Ocarina of Time PCPolaris 03 • Le matérialisme c'est quand tu as du matériel.

Gari - posté le 09/05/2020 à 14:12:12 (5899 messages postés) - honor

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Incidently, we talked about it some time ago (well, more accurately, I wrote about it in the forum when the english version popped up). :F
Here is the post with the most interesting (?) points (I've played only 1 hour, so those are only first impressions and by no way final thoughts) :

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)

Nice to see another italian production got translated.

uran - posté le 09/05/2020 à 15:01:11 (2 messages postés)

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THank you very much guys! I'm sorry for the italian speech ^^' but I tested it by myself and probably I forgot to translate some text. Anyway, yes, the second lifebar is really challenging, and not only this. If you manage to kill the Aracnomantis, you can consider yourself a pro gamer XD hahahaha

Thanks :*

Roi of the Suisse - posté le 11/06/2020 à 10:06:17 (29950 messages postés) - honor -

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Index du forum > Jeux terminés > Skydancer - A post atomic tale

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