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Index du forum > Généralités > Better late than never! The vote thread for the DynRPG plugin contest

Cherry - posté le 13/01/2020 à 18:09:28 (163 messages postés)

❤ 2

...has his own Fan Club

Hi folks!

Does anyone remember spring 2012? That's when DynRPG was released. Also, I conducted a plugin development contest which then went nowhere because I misplanned things again. Originally it was supposed to run for a month, until I changed it to "until I'll have time again". I'm talking about this contest here.

Over the years, I forgot about it completely, until someone reminded me today.

Therefore, the submission phase is now, after almost 8 years, officially over! :) What's missing now is the vote.

What was it about again?


Goal of this contest is to create a DynRPG plugin which is as useful as possible. It doesn't need to be too complex - most important is that many RM2k3 users think it's useful for them. Of course the source code should be published too. The latter should be sufficiently documented so that it can help other beginners to understand how to use DynRPG. Plus, the Rules and Guidelines should be paid attention to.

The timeframe isn't completely certain yet. We start with one month. If there are problems (maybe you find critical bugs which I have to fix first), we can extend the timeframe, of course.

Special: Cross-forum contest!
Yes, you read right. This contest is held in three forums:
- RMN (EN):
- Multimediaxis (DE):
- Oniromancie (FR):

I will copy the submissions into the other forums.

- Everyone who knows C++ is invited to participate.
- Asking questions (of any kind) is welcome.
- The language of the source code, its comments and the documentation has to be English.
- "Copying" from other participants is also welcome, as long as the result won't be exactly the same.
- So: If you creates something, the best thing is to post it here without waiting for the end of the time! Of course you can also directly create a presentation thread (after telling me here).
- At the end of the contest there will be a public poll in all three forums at which the usefulness and usability will be rated. I will also reserve a last word regarding sticking to the guidlines and optimization of the code for myself. The poll is going to be open for one week. Additionally, there will be votes of six jurors (two per forum) (who should test the plugins more thoroughly), in case I find ones. Jurors, put your hands up!

You can win:
1. Prize: € 20 / $ 25 Amazon Gift Card
2. Prize: € 15 / $ 20 Amazon Gift Card
3. Prize: € 5 / $ 7 Amazon Gift Card

Additionally, all participants will be mentioned in the next version of the documentation as "testers and plugin pioneers". If you have a website, I will also link to it.

This poll will also be opened in the other forums by me, and the results will be added together at the end. (Multimediaxis / RMN)


There were 4 plugins submitted:
a) Pathfinding Plugin by DNKpp (originally anti-freak), submitted via Multimediaxis (readme)
b) Particle Effects Plugin by Kazesui, submitted via RMN (demo video)
c) RagnaDyn by orochii (some custom statuses, ATB control and other things, mainly for battle), submitted via RMN (readme)
d) Date/Time Plugin by elvissteinjr, submitted via Multimediaxis (readme)

The question is: Which of the submitted plugins is most useful?

It seems that I can't open polls in this forum, so please vote by writing your vote in an answer to this post!

The poll will stay open for one week, until January 20th, 2020!

EDIT: The results are in!


OK so, the results are here now! Thanks for voting!

1st Place: Particle Effects Plugin by Kazesui with 14 votes
2nd Place: Pathfinding Plugin by DNKpp (anti-freak) with 11 votes
3rd Place: Date/Time Plugin by elvissteinjr with 3 votes
4th Place: RagnaDyn by orochii with 2 votes

I will contact the winners!


Cherry = CherryDT |

Sylvanor - posté le 14/01/2020 à 02:58:18 (24668 messages postés) - webmaster -

❤ 0

Le gars chiant qui rigole jamais (il paraît)

Hi Cherry!
I'm very glad to see you here and hope you're fine and doing well. :)

Well, one problem is the fact that DynRPG is no more compatible with the official version of RPG Maker 2003.
Since I love the work you did on RPG Maker 2003, I purchased the latest official version on Steam a few weeks ago (and was really impressed, I think we'll never thank you enough for this), but it's impossible to use DynRPG with it.
The Particle Effects Plugin looks particularly impressive, I was quite amazed when I saw it, but I'll never be able to use it with my project.
By the way, if I can help with a vote, my vote will go for the Particle Effects plugin.

Maybe it's totally imposible, but is it planned for some day in the future to make DynRPG compatible with the official version of RPG Maker?

With RPG Maker 2003 becoming more popular thanks to the Steam version, it seems that DynRPG is unfortunately condemned to become less used and known year after year. :(

Les croissants croâssent en croix, s'ancrent ou à cent croîssent sans crocs à sang. Crois! Sens! ౡ

AzRa - posté le 14/01/2020 à 07:14:15 (11216 messages postés)

❤ 0

Cherry a dit:

It seems that I can't open polls in this forum, so please vote by writing your vote in an answer to this post!

Oh that ? You'll need 10000 posts before you can unlock polls. There's no such feature here. It's not just you.

Le cyclisme c'est quand tu fais du vélo.

Roi of the Suisse - posté le 14/01/2020 à 08:18:34 (29950 messages postés) - honor -

❤ 0

Chanter l'hyperchleuasme

We will implement the poll feature within some years ;)

L'essentialisme c'est quand ta voiture a un moteur essence. | Es-tu une star ? | Kujira no Hara | Polaris 03 | Planète Glutko

Gari - posté le 14/01/2020 à 08:40:02 (5899 messages postés) - honor

❤ 0

Eight years after, not bad !

I would go for the particle effects (2) as well.


We will implement the poll feature within some years

Ou pas. (ceci dit, il y a strawpoll non ?)

Roi of the Suisse - posté le 14/01/2020 à 14:56:18 (29950 messages postés) - honor -

❤ 0

Chanter l'hyperchleuasme

Gari a dit:


We will implement the poll feature within some years

Ou pas. (ceci dit, il y a strawpoll non ?)

"Some" can be a transfinite number, so I did not lie :clown

L'essentialisme c'est quand ta voiture a un moteur essence. | Es-tu une star ? | Kujira no Hara | Polaris 03 | Planète Glutko

Cherry - posté le 20/01/2020 à 18:47:19 (163 messages postés)

❤ 0

...has his own Fan Club

OK so, the results are here now! Thanks for voting!

1st Place: Particle Effects Plugin by Kazesui with 14 votes
2nd Place: Pathfinding Plugin by DNKpp (anti-freak) with 11 votes
3rd Place: Date/Time Plugin by elvissteinjr with 3 votes
4th Place: RagnaDyn by orochii with 2 votes

I will contact the winners!

Cherry = CherryDT |

Index du forum > Généralités > Better late than never! The vote thread for the DynRPG plugin contest

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